Shock identification and classification in 2D magnetohydrodynamiccompressible turbulence—Orszag–Tang vortex

Snow, Ben, Hillier, Andrew, Murtas, Giulia and Botha, Gert (2021) Shock identification and classification in 2D magnetohydrodynamiccompressible turbulence—Orszag–Tang vortex. Experimental Results, 2. e35. ISSN 2516-712X

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Compressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is a common feature of astrophysical systems such as the solar atmosphere and interstellar medium. Such systems are rife with shock waves that can redistribute and dissipate energy. For an MHD system, three broad categories of shocks exist (slow, fast, and intermediate); however, the occurrence rates of each shock type are not known for turbulent systems. Here, we present a method for detecting and classifying the full range of MHD shocks applied to the Orszag–Tang vortex. Our results show that the system is dominated by fast and slow shocks, with far less-frequent intermediate shocks appearing most readily near magnetic reconnection sites. We present a potential mechanism that could lead to the formation of intermediate shocks in MHD systems, and study the coherency and abundances of shocks in compressible MHD turbulence.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Funding information: B.S. and A.H. are supported by STFC research grant ST/R000891/1 and ST/V000659/1.
Uncontrolled Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics, shocks, turbulence
Subjects: F300 Physics
F500 Astronomy
Department: Faculties > Engineering and Environment > Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering
Depositing User: John Coen
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2021 11:52
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2021 12:00

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