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Moffett, Lee, Oxburgh, Gavin, Dresser, Paul and Gabbert, Fiona (2023) Mapping the Lie: A Smallest Space Analysis of Truthful and Deceptive Mock-informant Accounts. The Police Journal, 96 (3). pp. 471-490. ISSN 0032-258X
Moffett, Lee, Oxburgh, Gavin, Dresser, Paul, Gabbert, Fiona and Watson, Steven J. (2023) Keeping our wits about us: introducing a bespoke informant interview model for covert human intelligence source (CHIS) interactions. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 18 (3). pp. 333-352. ISSN 1833-5330
Moffett, Lee, Oxburgh, Gavin, Dresser, Paul, Watson, Steven and Gabbert, Fiona (2022) Inside the shadows: a survey of UK human source intelligence (HUMINT) practitioners, examining their considerations when handling a covert human intelligence source (CHIS). Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 29 (4). pp. 487-505. ISSN 1321-8719
Moffett, Lee (2022) Adopting a holistic approach to the development of a bespoke informant interview model. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.