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Lynch, Michael, Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Barrett, Kimberly (2022) The Climate Change-Temperature-Crime Hypothesis: Evidence from a Sample of 15 Large US Cities, 2002 to 2015. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. ISSN 0306-624X
Stretesky, Paul, Defeyter, Margaret Anne (Greta), Long, Michael, Sattar, Zeb and Crilley, Eilish (2019) Holiday clubs as Community Organizations. In: How to Make a Just Food Future: alternative foodways for a changing world, 8-10 Jul 2019, Sheffield, UK.
Long, Michael, Oswald, Rebecca, Stretesky, Paul and Soppitt, Sarah (2019) Do Flood Mitigation and Natural Habitat Protection Employment Reduce Youth Offending? European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 25 (2). pp. 135-151. ISSN 0928-1371
McLean, Craig, Long, Michael A., Stretesky, Paul, Lynch, Michael J. and Hall, Steve (2019) Exploring the Relationship between Neoliberalism and Homicide: A Cross-National Perspective. International Journal of Sociology, 49 (1). pp. 53-76. ISSN 0020-7659
Graham, Pamela L., Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael, Mann, Emily and Defeyter, Margaret Anne (Greta) (2018) Holiday Hunger: Feeding Children During the School Holidays. In: Feeding Children Inside and Outside the Home: Critical Perspectives. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 87-106. ISBN 9781138633865, 9781315206974
Lynch, Michael J., Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2018) Situational Crime Prevention and the Ecological Regulation of Green Crime: A Review and Discussion. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 679 (1). pp. 178-196. ISSN 0002-7162
Barrett, Kimberly, Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael and Stretesky, Paul (2018) Monetary Penalties and Noncompliance with Environmental Laws: a Mediation Analysis. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43 (3). pp. 530-550. ISSN 1066-2316
Lynch, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2018) Green Criminology and Native Peoples: The Treadmill of Production and the Killing of Indigenous Environmental Activists. Theoretical Criminology, 22 (3). pp. 318-341. ISSN 1362-4806
Long, Michael, Lynch, Michael and Stretesky, Paul (2018) The Great Recession, the Treadmill of Production and Ecological Disorganization: Did the Recession Decrease Toxic Releases Across US States, 2005–2014? Ecological Economics, 146. pp. 184-192. ISSN 0921-8009
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael, Graham, Pamela L., Palmer, Katie, Steinbock, Eileen and Defeyter, Margaret Anne (Greta) (2018) The Impact of Holiday Clubs on Household Food Insecurity—A Pilot Study. Health and Social Care in the Community, 26 (2). e261-e269. ISSN 1365-2524
Stretesky, Paul, McKie, Ruth, Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael and Barrett, Kimberly (2018) Where have all the falcons gone? Saker falcon (falco cherrug) exports in a global economy. Global Ecology and Conservation, 13. e00372. ISSN 2351-9894
Mann, Emily, Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Defeyter, Margaret Anne (Greta) (2018) A question of justice: are holiday clubs serving the most deprived communities in England? Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 23 (10). pp. 1008-1022. ISSN 1354-9839
Lynch, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2017) Blaming the Poor for Biodiversity Loss: A Political Economic Critique of the Study of Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 25 (3). pp. 263-275. ISSN 1759-8273
Lynch, Michael J., Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2017) State and green crimes related to water pollution and ecological disorganization: water pollution from publicly owned treatment works (POTW) facilities across US states. Palgrave Communications, 3 (1). p. 17070. ISSN 2055-1045
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Lynch, Michael (2017) A cross-national study of the association between natural resource rents and homicide rates, 2000-2012. European Journal of Criminology, 14 (4). pp. 393-414. ISSN 1477-3708
Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2017) Foreign Direct Investment, Ecological Withdrawals, and Natural-Resource-Dependent Economies. Society & Natural Resources, 30 (10). pp. 1261-1276. ISSN 0894-1920
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Lynch, Michael (2017) Trends in the formation of environmental enforcement international non-governmental organizations, 1950 to 2010. Globalizations, 14 (4). pp. 627-642. ISSN 1474-7731
Lynch, Michael, Barrett, Kimberly, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2017) The Neglect of Quantitative Research in Green Criminology and Its Consequences. Critical Criminology, 25 (2). pp. 183-198. ISSN 1205-8629
Stretesky, Paul, Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael and Barrett, Kimberly (2017) Does the modernization of environmental enforcement reduce toxic releases? An examination of self-policing, criminal prosecutions and toxic releases in the United States, 1988–2014. Sociological Spectrum, 37 (1). pp. 48-62. ISSN 0273-2173
Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael, Barrett, Kimberly and Stretesky, Paul (2016) Examining secondary ecological disorganization from wildlife harms. In: Greening Criminology in the 21st Century: Contemporary debates and future directions in the study of environmental harm. Green Criminology Series . Taylor & Francis, Abingdon. ISBN 9781472467560
Graham, Pamela L., Crilley, Eilish, Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael, Palmer, Katie Jane, Steinbock, Eileen and Defeyter, Margaret Anne (Greta) (2016) School holiday food provision in the UK: a qualitative investigation of needs, benefits, and potential for development. Frontiers in Public Health, 4. p. 172. ISSN 2296-2565
Liang, Bin, Long, Michael and Knottnerus, David (2016) What Do Clients Achieve in Drug/DUI Court? Examining Intended and Unintended Outcomes. Justice System Journal, 37 (3). pp. 272-289. ISSN 0098-261X
Defeyter, Margaret Anne (Greta), Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael, Graham, Pamela, Mann, Emily and Woods, Jackie (2016) Holiday Provision. In: North East Child Poverty Commission Conference, 5 April 2016, Durham.
Lynch, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2016) A Proposal for the Political Economy of Green Criminology: Capitalism and the Case of the Alberta Tar Sands. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 58 (2). pp. 137-160. ISSN 1707-7753
Liang, Bin, Knottnerus, David and Long, Michael (2016) A theoretical model of drug/DUI courts: An application of structural ritualization theory. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 41 (1). pp. 31-46. ISSN 1066-2316
Kosmicki, Sarah and Long, Michael (2016) Exploring environmental inequality within US communities containing coal and nuclear power plants. In: Hazardous Waste and Pollution: Detecting and Preventing Green Crimes. Springer, London, pp. 79-100. ISBN 978-3-319-18080-9
Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael, Barrett, Kimberly and Stretesky, Paul (2016) Is it a crime to produce ecological disorganization? Why green criminology and political economy matter in the analysis of global ecological harms. In: Hazardous Waste and Pollution: Detecting and Preventing Green Crimes. Springer, London, pp. 101-124. ISBN 978-3-319-18080-9
Lynch, Michael, Barrett, Kimberly, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2016) The Weak Probability of Punishment for Environmental Offenses and Deterrence of Environmental Offenders: A Discussion Based on USEPA Criminal Cases, 1983–2013. Deviant Behavior, 37 (10). pp. 1095-1109. ISSN 0163-9625
Lynch, Michael, Barrett, Kimberly, Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael, Jarrell, Melissa and Ozymy, Joshua (2015) Crime as Pollution? Theoretical, Definitional and Policy Concerns with Conceptualizing Crime as Pollution. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 40 (4). pp. 843-860. ISSN 1066-2316
McKie, Ruth, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2015) Carbon Crime in the Voluntary Market: An exploration of modernization themes among a sample of criminal and non-criminal oganizations. Critical Criminology, 23 (4). pp. 473-486. ISSN 1205-8629
Lynch, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2015) Environmental justice: a criminological perspective. Environmental Research Letters, 10. pp. 1-6. ISSN 1748-9326
Lynch, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2015) Defining Crime: A critique of the concept and its implication. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137479358
Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael and Stretesky, Paul (2015) Anthropogenic development drives species to be endangered: Capitalism and the decline of species. In: Green harms and crimes: critical criminology in a changing world. Critical Criminological Perspectives . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 117-146. ISBN 9781137456267
Ritchie, Liesel, Gill, Duane and Long, Michael (2015) Mitigating Litigating: An Examination of Social and Psychological Impacts of the 2012 BP Claims Settlement in Coastal Alabama. In: 78th Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, 25-28 March 2015, New Orleans.
Liang, Bin, Long, Michael and Knottnerus, David (2015) What do Clients Achieve in Drug/DUI Court? Examining Intended and Unintended Outcomes. In: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 52nd Annual Meeting, 3rd - 7th March 2015, Orlando, Florida.
Gill, Duane, Ritchie, Liesel, Picou, J. Steven, Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Jennifer, Long, Michael and Shenesey, Jessica (2014) The Exxon and BP oil spills: a comparison of psychosocial impacts. Natural Hazards, 74 (3). pp. 1911-1932. ISSN 0921-030X
Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2014) The Treadmill of Production, Planetary Boundaries and Green Criminology. In: Environmental Crime and its Victims: Perspectives within Green Criminology. Green Criminology . Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 263-275. ISBN 9781472422781
Stretesky, Paul, Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael and Barrett, Kimberly (2014) The failure of deterrence in environmental law: Why the modernization of criminal enforcement will not stop ecological disorganization. In: 14th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology, 10-13 September 2014, Prague.
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Lynch, Michael (2014) The Uneven Geography of Environmental Enforcement INGOs: National Influence of Wealth on a Global Civil Society and Potential Implications for Ecological Disorganization. In: British Society of Criminology Annual Conference 2014, 9-12 July 2014, Liverpool.
Raynolds, Laura, Long, Michael and Murray, Douglas (2014) Regulating Corporate Responsibility in the American Market: A Comparative Analysis of Voluntary Certifications. Competition & Change, 18 (2). pp. 91-110. ISSN 1024-5294
Long, Michael and Murray, Douglas (2014) Consumer Convergence and Collective Motivations for Purchasing Ethical Products. Research in Rural Sociology and Development, 21. pp. 185-207. ISSN 1057-1922
Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael, Barrett, Kimberly and Stretesky, Paul (2013) Is it a Crime to Produce Ecological Disorganization? Why Green Criminology and Political Economy Matter in the Analysis of Global Ecological Harms. British Journal of Criminology, 53 (6). pp. 997-1016. ISSN 0007-0955
Lynch, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Long, Michael (2013) The Treadmill of Law: Political Economy and Green Criminology. In: The American Society of Criminology 69th Annual Meeting, 20-23 November 2013, Atlanta.
Long, Michael, Cross, Jennifer, Shelley, Tara and Kutnjak Ivkovic, Sanja (2013) The Normative Order of Reporting Police Misconduct: Examining the Roles of Offense Seriousness, Legitimacy, and Fairness. Social Psychology Quarterly, 76 (3). pp. 242-267. ISSN 0190-2725
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Lynch, Michael (2013) The treadmill of crime: Political economy and green criminology. Taylor & Francis, London. ISBN 9780415657365
Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2013) The Cross-National Association between CO2 Emissions and Homicide. In: 2013 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 10-13 August 2013, New York.
Long, Michael and Stretesky, Paul (2013) Political economy and green criminology: the theoretical structure of the political economy of green criminology, and capitalism as crime and injustice. In: European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control 41st Annual Conference, 29 August-1 September 2013, Oslo.
Liang, Bin and Long, Michael (2013) Testing the Gender Effect in Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Women's Participation in Tulsa County Drug and DUI Programs. Journal of Drug Issues, 43 (3). pp. 270-288. ISSN 0022-0426
Long, Michael (2013) Freedom in Entangled Worlds: West Papua and the Architecture of Global Power [book review]. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 26 (3). pp. 733-734. ISSN 1187-7863
Long, Michael and Murray, Douglas (2013) Ethical Consumption, Values Convergence/Divergence and Community Development. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 26 (2). pp. 351-375. ISSN 1187-7863
Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael and Stretesky, Paul (2013) Add Parsimony and Stir . . . Exploring the Explanation of State Crime. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 38 (1). pp. 99-118. ISSN 1066-2316
Fullerton, Andrew, Long, Michael and Anderson, Kathryn (2013) Perceived Job Insecurity and Workers’ Substance Use in the U.S. In: 76th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, 27-30 March 2013, Chicago.
Liang, Bin and Long, Michael (2013) Testing the Gender Effect in Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Women’s Participation in Tulsa County Drug and DUI Programs. In: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 50th Annual Meeting, 19-23 March 2013, Dallas.
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Lynch, Michael (2013) Does environmental enforcement slow the treadmill of production? The relationship between large monetary penalties, ecological disorganization and toxic releases within offending corporations. Journal of Crime and Justice, 36 (2). pp. 233-247. ISSN 0735-648X
Liang, Bin, Long, Michael and Brame, Wendy (2012) Is It Legal Representation or Clients? : An Empirical Testing of Clients’ Performance and Their Legal Representation in Tulsa County Drug and DUI Programs. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 37 (4). pp. 544-561. ISSN 1066-2316
Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2012) Does Environmental Enforcement Slow the Treadmill of Production? In: The American Society of Criminology 68th Annual Meeting, 14-17 November 2012, Chicago.
Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul, Lynch, Michael and Fenwick, Emily (2012) Crime in the Coal Industry: Implications for Green Criminology and Treadmill of Production. Organization & Environment, 25 (3). pp. 328-346. ISSN 1086-0266
Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2012) Does Environmental Enforcement Slow the Treadmill of Production? In: Environmental Crimes and its Victims 2012, 17-18 September 2012, Delft.
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Lynch, Michael (2012) Treadmill of crime: How a political economy of ecological disorganization can contribute to the greening of crime. In: 12th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, 12-15 September 2012, Bilbao.
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Lynch, Michael (2012) Treadmill of Crime: A Political Economy of Environmental Disorganization and the Greening of Crime. In: 2012 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 17-20 August 2012, Denver.
Zahran, Sammy, Long, Michael and Berry, Kenneth (2012) Measures of predictor sensitivity for order-insensitive partitioning of multiple correlation. Journal of Applied Statistics, 39 (1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 0266-4763
Long, Michael and Lacy, Michael (2012) Comparing Methods for the Analysis of Competing Risks. In: 75th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, 29 March-1 April 2012, Minneapolis.
Long, Michael and Murray, Douglas (2012) Ethical Consumption as a Social Movement: The Potential for, and Obstacles to, Converging Values and Practices. In: XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology, 29 July-4 August 2012, Lisbon.
Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2011) The Relationship between Political Donations and Environmental Violations in the Coal Industry. In: The 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, 16-19 November 2011, Washington, D. C..
Long, Michael (2011) Categorizing Consumers of Ethical Products. In: 106th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 20-23 August 2011, Las Vegas.
Long, Michael (2011) Fair Bananas: Farmers, Workers, and Consumers Strive to Change an Industry [book review]. Social Forces, 89 (4). pp. 1438-1439. ISSN 0037-7732
Long, Michael and Lacy, Michael (2011) Computer-Intensive Methods for Testing Indirect Effects in Regression Models. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, 24-27 March 2011, St Louis, Missouri.
Long, Michael, Berry, Kenneth and Mielke Jr, Paul (2010) Multiway contingency tables: Monte Carlo resampling probablility values for the chi-squared and likelihood-ration tests. Psychological Reports, 107 (2). pp. 501-510. ISSN 0033-2941
Hogan, Michael, Long, Michael and Stretesky, Paul (2010) Campaign contributions, lobbying and post-Katrina contracts. Disasters, 34 (3). pp. 593-607. ISSN 0361 3666
Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael, McKie, Ruth and Aryee, Feizel (2010) Does oil and gas development increase crime within UK local authorities? The Extractive Industries and Society, 5 (3). pp. 356-365. ISSN 2214-790X
Long, Michael (2010) Reporting of Police Corruption by Fellow Officers: An Application of Social Norms Theory in Policing. In: Joint Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society and the North Central Sociological Association, 31 March- 3 April 2010, Chicago.
Long, Michael (2009) The Taste for Ethics: An Ethic of Food Consumption [book review]. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 22 (6). pp. 605-606. ISSN 1187-7863
Long, Michael, Berry, Kenneth and Mielke, Paul (2009) Tetrachoric Correlation: A Permutation Alternative. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69 (3). pp. 429-437. ISSN 0013-1644
Mielke, Paul, Long, Michael, Berry, Kenneth and Johnston, J. E. (2009) g -Treatment ridit analyses: Resampling permutation methods. Statistical Methodology, 6 (3). pp. 223-229. ISSN 1572 3127
Long, Michael (2009) Order Insensitive Partitioning of Multiple R2. In: Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, 2-5 April 2009, Des Moines.
Long, Michael (2009) Reducing High-Risk Alcohol Consumption in College Freshman: Results from a Social Norms Campaign. In: Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, 2-5 April 2009, Des Moines.
Long, Michael, Raynolds, Laura, Thilmany, Dawn and Murray, Douglas (2009) Certification Programs in Action: Market-Based Solutions for the Conscious Consumer Economy. Project Report. Downtown Development Authority.
Long, Michael (2008) Ethical Consumerism in the Agro-Food Sector: Is There Evidence of Consumption-Based Social Movements? In: 103rd American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 1-4 August 2008, Boston.
Long, Michael, Raynolds, Laura and Zahran, Sammy (2008) Organic and Natural Food Consumption: Geography and Explanatory Factors in the United States. In: Rural Sociological Society Meeting, 28 July 2008, Manchester.
Long, Michael (2008) Fair Trade in the Agro-Food Sector: The Beginning of a Consumption Based Social Movement? In: Agriculture, Food & Human Values Society Annual Meeting, 4-8 June 2008, New Orleans.
Long, Michael (2008) g-Treatment Ridit Analyses: Resampling Permutation Methods. In: Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, 27-30 March 2008, St Louis.
Long, Michael, Hogan, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2007) The relationship between postwar reconstruction contracts and political donations: The case in Afghanistan and Iraq. Sociological Spectrum, 27 (4). pp. 453-472. ISSN 0273-2173
Raynolds, Laura and Long, Michael (2007) Fair / Alternative Trade: Historical and Empirical Dimensions. In: Fair Trade: The Challenges of Transforming Globalization. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 15-32. ISBN 9780415772020
Lacy, Michael and Long, Michael (2007) Binary Response versus Event History Models of Student Graduation and Attrition in Higher Education. In: Joint Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society and the North Central Sociological Association, 4-7 April 2007, Chicago.
Long, Michael, Berry, Kenneth and Mielke, Paul (2007) A note on permutation tests of significance for multiple regression coefficients. Psychological Reports, 100 (2). pp. 339-345. ISSN 0033-2941
Hogan, Michael, Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2006) Campaign Contributions, Post-War Reconstruction Contracts, and State Crime. Deviant Behavior, 27 (3). pp. 269-297. ISSN 0163-9625
Hogan, Michael, Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2006) Political Influence, Post Katrina Contracts, and State-Corporate Crime: Rewarding Recidivists. In: Southwest Social Science Meeting, April 2006, San Antonio.
Long, Michael (2006) A Discussion of Significance Tests for Multiple Regression Coefficients. In: Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, 30 March- 2 April 2006, Omaha.
Long, Michael (2006) The Relationship Between Capitalism, Democracy and World Bank Lending: Some Cross-National Evidence. In: Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, 30 March- 2 April 2006, Omaha.
Hogan, Michael, Long, Michael, Lynch, Michael and Stretesky, Paul (2005) Campaign Contributions, Post-War Reconstruction Contracts and State Crime. In: Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, 2005, Minneapolis.
Long, Michael (2004) World Bank and IMF Adjustment Lending: Effects on Poverty Reduction and Environmental Degradation in the Developing World. In: Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, 2004, Kansas City.