Items where Division is "Faculties > Arts, Design and Social Sciences > Humanities" and Year is 2015
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Alston, Charlotte (2015) Leo Tolstoy, The Kreutzer Sonata. In: Patriarchal Moments: Reading Patriarchal Texts. Bloomsbury, pp. 139-146. ISBN 9781472589149
Alston, Charlotte (2015) The Vogue for Russia: Modernism and the Unseen in Britain 1900-1930 [book review]. Literature & History, 24 (2). pp. 108-110. ISSN 0306-1973
Badger, Tony (2015) John Kyle Day.The Southern Manifesto: Massive Resistance and the Fight to Preserve Segregation [Book review]. The American Historical Review, 120 (5). pp. 1928-1929. ISSN 0002-8762
Barke, Mike (2015) Migration in Medieval Northumberland: The Evidence of Surnames. In: A Northumbrian Miscellany: Historical Essays in Memory of Constance M. Fraser. Association of Northumberland Local History Societies, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 38-62. ISBN 9780993384707
Baxter, Katherine (2015) ‘Senseless speech’ and inaudibility in Conrad's ‘Amy Foster’: rethinking trauma and the unspeakable in fiction. Textual Practice, 30 (5). pp. 879-895. ISSN 0950-236X
Bazin, Victoria (2015) Restless subjects/careless people: Re-reading The Great Gatsby [Book review]. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 13 (4). pp. 373-376. ISSN 1479-4012
Beorn, Waitman (2015) Fegelein’s Horsemen and Genocidal Warfare: The SS Cavalry Brigade in the Soviet Union [Book review]. German History, 33 (4). pp. 680-682. ISSN 0266-3554
Beorn, Waitman (2015) Laurie R. Cohen, Smolensk under the Nazis: Everyday Life in Occupied Russia [Book review]. European History Quarterly, 45 (1). pp. 138-140. ISSN 0265-6914
Beorn, Waitman (2015) Perpetrators, Presidents, and Profiteers: Teaching Genocide Prevention and Response through Classroom Simulation. Politics and Governance, 3 (4). pp. 72-83. ISSN 2183-2463
Berg, Maxine, Gottmann, Felicia, Hodacs, Hanna and Nierstrasz, Chris (2015) Goods from the East, 1600-1800: Trading Eurasia. Europe’s Asian Centuries . Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9781137403933, 9781137403940
Blackwood, Ashleigh (2015) ‘I wish the child, I call my own’: [Pro]Creative Experience in the Poetry of Jane Cave Winscom. In: Voice and context in Eighteenth-Century verse: order in variety. Palgrave Macmillan UK, London, pp. 155-172. ISBN 9781349580293, 9781137487629, 9781137487636
Bloomfield, Mandy, Garratt, Peter, Mackay, Deborah J.G., Richardson, Angelique, Spector, Tim and Temple, Karen (2015) Beyond the gene roundtable discussion. Textual Practice, 29 (3). pp. 415-432. ISSN 0950-236X
Bone, Martyn, Ward, Brian and Link, William (2015) Creating and consuming the American South. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. ISBN 9780813060699
Butler, Katherine (2015) Creating Harmonious Subjects? Ballads, Psalms and Godly Songs for Queen Elizabeth I's Accession Day. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 140 (2). pp. 273-312. ISSN 0269-0403
Butler, Katherine (2015) Death songs and elegies: singing about death in Elizabethan England. Early Music, 43 (2). pp. 269-280. ISSN 0306-1078
Butler, Katherine (2015) Music in Elizabethan Court Politics. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music . Boydell and Brewer. ISBN 9781843839811
Butler, Katherine (2015) Myth, Science, and the Power of Music in the Early Decades of the Royal Society. Journal of the History of Ideas, 76 (1). pp. 47-68. ISSN 1086-3222
Cannon, Maria (2015) Families in crisis; Parenting and the life cycle in English society, c. 1450-1620. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Carey, Brycchan (2015) Deserted Village and Animated Nature: An Ecocritical Approach to Oliver Goldsmith. In: Voice and Context in Eighteenth-Century Verse: Order in Variety. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 117-132. ISBN 978-1137487629
Carey, Brycchan (2015) ‘The Poetics of Radical Abolitionism: Ann Yearsley’s Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave Trade’. Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, 34 (1). pp. 89-105. ISSN 0732-7730
Chare, Nicholas and Williams, Dominic (2015) Matters of Testimony: Interpreting the Scrolls of Auschwitz. Berghahn Books, New York & Oxford. ISBN 9781782389989
Clark, Billy (2015) “What do you want me to tell?” The inferential texture of Alice Munro’s ‘Postcard’. Études de Stylistique Anglaise (8). pp. 99-120. ISSN 2116-1747
Coburn, Jon (2015) Making a Difference: The History and Memory of ‘Women Strike for Peace’, 1961-1990. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Crumey, Andrew (2015) Don’t get sucked in… [Book review]. Literary Review (433). ISSN 0144-4360
Crumey, Andrew (2015) Eclipse. In: I Am Because You Are. Freight Books, Glasgow. ISBN 9781910449264
Crumey, Andrew (2015) Go forth & multiply [Book review]. Literary Review (430). ISSN 0144-4360
Crumey, Andrew (2015) In the shadow of Mercury [Book review]. Literary Review (438). ISSN 0144-4360
Cullinane, Michael (2015) Operation Rolling Thunder. Modern History Review, 17 (4). pp. 18-22. ISSN 2055-0510
Cullinane, Michael (2015) US election: what the 2016 candidates can learn from 1916’s ‘bearded iceberg’. The Conversation.
Dabrowska, Ewa (2015) Language in the mind and in the community. In: Change of Paradigms - New Paradoxes. Applications of Cognitive Linguistics . De Gruyter, pp. 221-236. ISBN 978-3110435597
Dabrowska, Ewa (2015) What exactly is Universal Grammar, and has anyone seen it? Frontiers in Psychology, 6. ISSN 1664-1078
Dabrowska, Ewa and Divjak, Dagmar (2015) Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK) (39). De Gruyter. ISBN 9783110292022
Dando, Coral, Geiselman, Ed, MacLeod, Nicola and Griffiths, Andy (2015) Interviewing Adult Witnesses, Including Vulnerable Witnesses. In: Communication in Investigative and Legal Contexts: Integrated Approaches from Forensic Psychology, Linguistics and Law Enforcement. Wiley. ISBN 9781118769232
Danjo, Chisato (2015) A Critical Ethnographic Inquiry into the Negotiation of Language Practices among Japanese Multilingual Families in the UK: Discourse, Language Use and Perceptions in the Hoshuko and the Family Home. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Davidson, Ian (2015) Motion and mobility in the realist novels of Philip K Dick. Literary Geographies, 1 (1). pp. 24-41.
Devienne, Elsa (2015) Controverses à Los Angeles: Le port du maillot de bain en ville au début du XXe siècle [City Limits: Bather Arrests in Early-20th century Los Angeles]. Modes pratiques. Histoire du vêtement et de la mode (1). pp. 174-193. ISSN 2491-1453
Einhaus, Ann-Marie (2015) Lewis and War. In: Wyndham Lewis: A Critical Guide. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 49-63. ISBN 9780748685677
Einhaus, Ann-Marie and Pennell, Catriona (2015) Teaching and Remembrance in English secondary schools. In: Remembering the First World War. Remembering the Modern World . Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 74-89. ISBN 9780415856287
Ellis, Sylvia (2015) Britain at War over Vietnam. BBC History Magazine (2). pp. 56-60.
Ellis, Sylvia (2015) The Voting Rights Act, 1965. Modern History Review, 17 (3). pp. 2-5. ISSN 2055-0510
Feist, Michele and Duffy, Sarah (2015) Moving beyond ‘Next Wednesday’: The interplay of lexical semantics and constructional meaning in an ambiguous metaphoric statement. Cognitive Linguistics, 26 (4). pp. 633-656. ISSN 0936-5907
Fish, Laura (2015) Angry Black Birds. In: Kwani? Kwani Trust, Nairobi. ISBN 9789966190277
Fish, Laura (2015) Woman in the Mirror: Reflections. Synthesis: an Anglophone Journal of Comparative Literary Studies, 7. pp. 92-105. ISSN 1791-5155
Fowler, Joanna and Ingram, Allan (2015) Voice and Context in Eighteenth-Century Verse: order in Variety. Palgrave Macmillan, London. ISBN 9781349580293, 9781137487629, 9781137487636
Frazer, Paul (2015) Moving with Marlowe (& Co.): Relocation, Appropriation, and Personation in Thomas Dekker’s Shoemaker’s Holiday. Marlowe Studies - an annual, 2015. pp. 37-60. ISSN 2159-8231
Gleeson, David (2015) "Remember that your blood is Pure Scotch-Irish": Ulster Americans and the Confederate States of America. In: Irish Hunger and Migration: Myth, Memory and Memorialization. Quinnipac University Press, New Haven, CT, pp. 133-144. ISBN 9780990945406
Gottmann, Felicia (2015) Textile Furies — the French State and the Retail and Consumption of Asian Cottons 1686–1759. In: Goods from the East, 1600–1800: Trading Eurasia. Europe’s Asian Centuries . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 244-258. ISBN 9781349562183, 9781137403940
Green, Helen (2015) Middlebrow Mystics: Henri Bergson and British Culture, 1899-1939. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Hall, Graham and Cook, Guy (2015) The English language needs and priorities of young adults in the European Union: student and teacher perceptions. Project Report. British Council, London.
Hansen, Adam (2015) ‘Dickens and the ‘Vagabond Savage’’. In: Travelling Notions of Culture. Routledge Studies in Cultural History . Routledge, London, pp. 154-174. ISBN 9781138122437
Hansen, Adam (2015) ‘Give me my sin again’: disco does Shakespeare. In: Shakespearean Echoes. Palgrave Shakespeare Studies . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 40-55. ISBN 9781137380012
Hansen, Adam and Smialkowska, Monika (2015) Shakespeare in the North: regionalism, culture and power. In: Shakespeare on the Global Stage: Performance and Festivity in the Olympic Year. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 101-132. ISBN 9781472520326
Hill, Peter (2015) The first Arabic translations of Enlightenment literature: The Damietta circle of the 1800s and 1810s. Intellectual History Review, 25 (2). pp. 209-233. ISSN 1749-6977
Huang, Mimi (2015) Communicating and Cooperating with Cancer Patients -- Where Cognitive Science Meets Narrative Medicine. In: ICLC 13 - 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, 20th - 25th July 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Kain, Jennifer S. (2015) Preventing ‘Unsound Minds’ From Populating the British World: Australasian Immigration Control & Mental Illness 1830s—1920s. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Kelly, Matthew (2015) Quartz and Feldspar: Dartmoor - A British Landscape in Modern Times. Jonathan Cape, London, UK. ISBN 978-0224091138
Knight Lozano, Henry (2015) California Dreaming: Boosterism, memory, and rural suburbs in the Golden State [book review]. Agricultural History, 89 (4). pp. 608-610. ISSN 0002-1482
Knight Lozano, Henry (2015) Water in Paradise: California, Florida, and Environmental Rivalry in the Gilded Age. Environmental History, 20 (4). pp. 619-644. ISSN 1084-5453
Knox, Andrea (2015) Her-Book Lined Cell: Irish Nuns and the development of texts, translation and literacy in late medieval Spain. In: Nuns’ Literacies: The Kansas City Dialogue. Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 27 (27). Brepols Press, Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 67-86. ISBN 9782503549224, 9782503550053
Knox, Andrea (2015) Nuns on the Periphery?: Irish Dominican nuns and assimilation in Lisbon. In: Catalonia and Portugal: The Iberian Peninsula from the periphery. Identities / Identités / Identidades, 5 . Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 311-326. ISBN 9783034316507
Koczy, Daniel (2015) A crystal-theatre: Beckett, deleuze and theatre’s crystalline potential. In: Deleuze and Beckett. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 207-229. ISBN 9781137481139
Laqua, Daniel (2015) Democratic Politics and the League of Nations: The Labour and Socialist International as a Protagonist of Interwar Internationalism. Contemporary European History, 24 (2). pp. 175-192. ISSN 0960-7773
Laqua, Daniel (2015) Internacionalismo ou a afirmação da nação? Os esforços de Cooperação Intelectual da Sociedade das Nações. In: Os passados do presente: Internacionalismo, imperialismo e a construção do mundo contemporâneo. Almedina, Lisbon, pp. 159-182.
Lawlor, Clark (2015) Pathological Bodies: Medicine and political culture [book review]. Medical History, 59 (04). pp. 635-637. ISSN 0025-7273
Lawlor, Clark (2015) Scottish Medicine and Literary Culture, 1726–1832 [Book review]. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 89 (3). pp. 603-605. ISSN 1086-3176
Lawson, Tom (2015) ‘We have exterminated the race in Van Diemen’s Land’: Remembering colonial genocide in 19th century British culture. In: Aftermath: Genocide, Memory and History. Monash University Publishing, Clayton, Victoria, pp. 3-20. ISBN 978-1-922235-63-3
Leggott, James, Lockyer, Sharon and White, Rosie (2015) 'Acting Up: Gender and Television Comedy' [Editorial]. Critical Studies in Television, 10 (2). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1749-6020
Leung, Alex (2015) Deteriorating standard? A brief look into the English standard in Hong Kong. Asian Englishes, 17 (3). pp. 209-221. ISSN 1348-8678
Mahlberg, Gaby (2015) Le républicanisme anglais et le mythe de l’anticatholicisme. In: La politisation du religieux en modernité. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 1-14. ISBN 978-2-7535-3569-5
McConnel, James (2015) The GAA and the Irish Parliamentary Party, 1913-18. In: The GAA & Revolution in Ireland 1913-1923. The Collins Press. ISBN 9781848892545
McKenzie, Robert (2015) The sociolinguistics of variety identification and categorisation: free classification of varieties of spoken English amongst non-linguist listeners. Language Awareness, 24 (2). pp. 150-168. ISSN 0965-8416
Murphy, Neil (2015) Henry VIII's First Invasion of France: The Gascon Expedition of 1512. The English Historical Review, 130 (542). pp. 25-56. ISSN 0013-8266
Mussi, Francesca (2015) Engaging with the South African Past: the TRC and how theatre performs back. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 38 (1). pp. 91-101. ISSN 0395-6989
Nally, Claire and Smith, Angela (2015) Twenty-first Century Feminism: Forming and Performing Femininity. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 978-1137492845
Newbon, Peter (2015) Wordsworth, Child Psychology, and the Growth of the Mind. In: The Oxford Handbook of William Wordsworth. Oxford University Press, pp. 712-732. ISBN 978-0199662128
O'Brien, Laura (2015) Entre acteurs politiques et historiens: les auteurs des premières histoires de la révolution de 1848. In: L'insurrection entre histoire et littérature (1789-1914). Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 71-80. ISBN 9782859449049
O'Brien, Laura (2015) La moralité des mouchards: Chenu, de la Hodde et la guerre des pamphlets. In: Morales en révolutions. France, 1789-1940. Presses universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, pp. 99-108. ISBN 9782753536463
O'Brien, Laura (2015) The republican line: caricature and French republican identity 1830-52. Studies in Modern French History . Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 978-0-7190-8935-0
O'Connell, Anita (2015) Melancholy and Literary Biography, 1640-1816 [Book review]. The BARS Review, 46. ISSN 2049-7881
O'Connor, Peter (2015) The Anglo-American synecdoche? Thomas Jefferson's British legacy 1800–1865. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 13 (2). pp. 154-174. ISSN 1479-4012
Obrador Pons, Pau (2015) Modern mass tourism, by Julio Aramberri [Book review]. Journal of Tourism History, 7 (1-2). pp. 181-182. ISSN 1755-1838
Parr, Connal (2015) An Identity Pieced Together: Northern Irish Protestantism and the Drama of Ron Hutchinson. Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 39 (1). pp. 162-185.
Paul, Tawny (2015) Credit and Ethnicity in the Urban Atlantic World: Scottish Associational Culture in Colonial Philadelphia. Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 13 (3). pp. 661-691. ISSN 1543-4273
Purdue, Bill (2015) Life on the Tyne: Water trades on the lower river Tyne in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, a reappraisal [book review]. Northern History, 52 (2). pp. 324-327. ISSN 0078-172X
Reid, Colin (2015) The Irish Revolution, 1916-1923 [book review]. War in History, 22 (4). pp. 564-565. ISSN 0968-3445
Reid, Colin (2015) An intellectual biography of a Victorian prophet [book review]. The English Historical Review, 130 (545). pp. 1023-1024. ISSN 0013-8266
Riley, Jude (2015) 'Idiot-Brained South': Intellectual Disability and Eugenics in Southern Modernism. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Robb, Linsey (2015) Blood, Thunder and Showgirls: The Merchant Navy on the BBC, 1939–1945. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 35 (3). pp. 473-488. ISSN 0143-9685
Robb, Linsey (2015) ‘His Own Weapons to His Own Battlefront’: The civilian working man in British culture 1939–1945. In: Fighting for Britain? Negotiating Identities in Britain During the Second World War. Peter Lang. ISBN 9783035397499
Robb, Linsey (2015) Men At Work: The Working Man in British Culture, 1939 - 1945. Genders and Sexualities in History . Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-137-52746-2
Robertson, Nicole (2015) Building Co-operation: A Business History of The Co-operative Group, 1863-2013 [book review]. Labour History Review, 80 (1). pp. 105-107. ISSN 0961-5652
Scanlon, Julie (2015) The Lost Frontier: Reading Annie Proulx's Wyoming Stories, by Mark Asquith [Book review]. Western American Literature, 50 (2). pp. 174-175. ISSN 0043 3462
Shaw, Katy (2015) The Country and The City Redux: Mapping Contemporary Britain in Granta’s 2013 “Best of Young British Novelists”. Journalism and Mass Communication, 5 (11). pp. 584-592. ISSN 2160-6579
Shaw, Katy (2015) Crunch Lit. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781472510068
Shaw, Katy and Tew, Philip (2015) Satirical Apocalypse: Endism and the 1990s Fictions of Will Self. In: The 1990s: A Decade of Contemporary British fiction. The Decades Series . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 95-122. ISBN 9781441172587
Sim, Stuart (2015) Justice and Revenge in Contemporary American Crime Fiction. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 978-1-349-50056-7
Skelton, Leona (2015) Sanitation in Urban Britain, 1560–1700. Perspectives in Economic and Social History . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781317217909, 9781315620756
Stephens, Randall (2015) Bertram Wyatt-Brown as Scholar and Mentor. The Georgia Historical Quarterly, 99 (3). ISSN 0016-8297
Stephens, Randall (2015) From Abolitionists to Fundamentalists: The transformation of the Wesleyan Methodists in the nineteenth and twentieth Centuries. American Nineteenth Century History, 16 (2). pp. 159-191. ISSN 1466-4658
Stephens, Randall (2015) GOP must destroy Donald Trump before he destroys them. The Associated Press.
Stephens, Randall (2015) How the Republican party became a haven of resentment and rage. The Conversation. ISSN 1950-6244
Stephens, Randall (2015) Spirit in the Air: Pentecostal media innovation in the 20th Century South. In: A Festschrift for Charles Reagan Wilson. University of Mississippi Press, Oxford, Mississippi. (Submitted)
Stephens, Randall (2015) Understanding the prosperity gospel. Fides et Historia, 47 (2). p. 55. ISSN 0884-5379
Stephens, Randall (2015) Why the Republicans' Know-Nothing Outsider Candidates Are Still on Top. The Conversation.
Stewart, David (2015) The Death of Maggie Scott: Blackwood’s, the Scots Magazine and Periodical Eras. In: Before Blackwood’s: Scottish Journalism in the Age of Enlightenment. The Enlightenment World (29). Pickering and Chatto, London, pp. 117-128. ISBN 9781848935501
Stewart, David (2015) The end of conversation: Byron's Don Juan at the Newcastle Lit & Phil. The Review of English Studies, 66 (274). pp. 322-341. ISSN 0034-6551
Street, Joe (2015) The Long, Hot Summer of 1967: Urban Rebellion in America [Book review]. Journal of American Studies, 49 (4, SI). pp. 929-930. ISSN 1469-5154
Street, Joe (2015) The Shadow of the Soul Breaker: Solitary Confinement, Cocaine, and the Disintegration of Huey P. Newton. Pacific Historical Review, 84 (3). pp. 333-363. ISSN 0030-8684
Street, Joe (2015) Stax, Subcultures and Civil Rights: Young Britain and the Politics of Soul Music in the 1960s. In: The Other Special Relationship : Race and Rights in Britain and America. Contemporary Black History . Palgrave, London, pp. 173-195. ISBN 9781137500373
Sutton, Mike (2015) Is all matter made of just one element? Chemistry World, 5. pp. 56-59. ISSN 1473-7604
Sutton, Mike (2015) The green molecule. Chemistry World, 12 (2). pp. 50-53. ISSN 1473-7604
Taylor, Julie (2015) Modernism and Affect. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748693252
Temple, Liam Peter (2015) Holy and Peculiar People: Mysticks and Mystical Theology in England, 1605-1705. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Turnbull, Tim (2015) The adventures of Kunstlicht in the Netherworld: A novel. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Twomey, Lesley (2015) Mary Magdalene and Martha: Sor Isabel de Villena’s Self-fashioning through Constructing her Community. In: Self-fashioning and Assumptions of Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Brill, Leiden, pp. 298-326. ISBN 978 9004291003
Wallage, Phillip (2015) Identifying the Role of Pragmatic Activation in Changes to the Expression of English Negation. In: Negation and Polarity: experimental perspectives. Language, Cognition, and Mind . Springer, London, pp. 199-227. ISBN 9783319174631
Ward, Brian (2015) Sounds and Silences: Music and the March on Washington. Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, S11. pp. 25-48. ISSN 1048-9134
Ward, Brian, Bone, Martyn and Link, William (2015) Preface: Understanding the South. In: Creating and consuming the American South. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, ix-x. ISBN 9780813060699
Waters, Melanie (2015) Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath and confessional poetry. In: The Cambridge Companion to American Poets. Cambridge Companions to Literature . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 379-390. ISBN 9781107560789
Webster, Tony (2015) Building Intra-Asian and Transcontinental Mercantile Networks in the Age of the British East India Company: The Rise and Fall of the House of John Palmer. In: Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade Since 1750. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 144-164. ISBN 9781137463913
Webster, Tony and Bosma, Ulbe (2015) Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime trade since 1750: Foundations of the Modern Asian ‘Economic Miracle’? In: Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade Since 1750. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 1-16. ISBN 978-1-137-46391-3
Webster, Tony, Bosma, Ulbe and de Melo, Jamie (2015) Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade Since 1750. Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 978-1-137-46391-3
Wetherall Dickson, Leigh (2015) Lisa M. Hermsen, 'Manic Minds: Mania's Mad History and its Neuro-Future'[Book review]. History of Psychiatry, 26 (1). pp. 118-120. ISSN 0957-154X
Wetherall Dickson, Leigh (2015) ‘What a Creature is Man’: The Melancholia, Literary Ambition and Manly Fortitude of Robert Burns. In: Voice and Context in Eighteenth-Century Verse. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 248-266. ISBN 978-1-349-58029-3
White, Rosie (2015) Miranda and Miranda: Comedy, Femininity and Performance. In: Twenty-First Century Feminism: Forming and Performing Femininity. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 119-139. ISBN 9781137492845
Williams, Dominic and Marinkova, Milena (2015) Affective Trans-scapes: Affect, Translation, and Landscape in Erin Moure's The Unmemntioable. Contemporary Women's Writing, 9 (1). pp. 73-92. ISSN 1754-1484
Williams, Helen (2015) “Alas, poor YORICK!”: Sterne’s Iconography of Mourning. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 28 (2). pp. 313-344. ISSN 0840-6286
Wilson, Brett, Hawkins, Barbara and Sim, Stuart (2015) Art, Science and Communities of Practice. Leonardo, 48 (2). pp. 152-157. ISSN 0024-094X
Wright, Julian (2015) A lesson in revolution: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, 'The Communist Manifesto'. In: Revolutionary Moments: Reading Revolutionary Texts. Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought . Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 109-116. ISBN 9781472517203
Wright, Rebecca (2015) Sunspots and Sync. In: Energy in Literature: Essays on energy and its social and environmental implications in twentieth and twenty-first century literary texts. TrueHeart Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 9-19. ISBN 9781910018002
Ye, Yun-jie and Huang, Mimi (2015) A Critical Review of Narrative-Based Medicine — Its Recent Development and Prospective Outlook. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 15 (2). pp. 108-112. ISSN 1671-5144