Items where Division is "Faculties > Arts, Design and Social Sciences > Social Sciences" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 134.


Allan, Joanna (2014) Privilege, Marginalization, and Solidarity: Women's Voices Online in Western Sahara's Struggle for Independence. Feminist Media Studies, 14 (4). pp. 704-708. ISSN 1468-0777

Antonova-Baumann, Svetoslava (2014) Book Review: Reif, Monika. Making Progress Simpler? Applying Cognitive Grammar to Tense-Aspect Teaching. Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture. Vol. 88. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 2012, 247 pp., ISBN: 978-3-631-61120-3. Hardback EUR 46.50; USD 69.95. Cognitive Linguistics, 25 (1). pp. 149-157. ISSN 1613-3641

Ashutosh, Ishan (2014) Home and native land: Unsettling multiculturalism in Canada [Book review]. The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, 58 (2). e25-e26. ISSN 00083658

Bellé, Nicola and Ongaro, Edoardo (2014) NPM, administrative reforms and public service motivation: Improving the dialogue between research agendas. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 80 (2). pp. 382-400. ISSN 0020-8523

Bogain, Ariane (2014) Demons, ants, giants and dwarves: the construction of Germany’s handling of the Euro-crisis in French political discourse. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 22 (1). pp. 7-23. ISSN 1478-2804

Boggess, Lyndsay, Perez, Deanna, Cope, Kathryn, Root, Carl and Stretesky, Paul (2014) Do medical marijuana centers behave like locally undesirable land uses? Implications for the geography of health and environmental justice. Urban Geography, 35 (2). pp. 315-336. ISSN 0272-3638

Bonino, Stefano (2014) 'Islam in the West: Key Issues in Multiculturalism' by Max Farrar, Simon Robinson, Yasmin Valli and Paul Wetherly (eds). [Book review]. Political Studies Review, 2 (2). p. 301. ISSN 1478 9299

Burton, Lloyd and Stretesky, Paul (2014) Wrong side of the tracks: The neglected human costs of transporting oil and gas. Health & Human Rights Journal, 16 (1). pp. 82-92. ISSN 2150- 4113

Casey, Emma (2014) ‘Mass Gambling’ from 1947 to 2011: Controversies and Pathologies. Sociological Research Online, 19 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1360-7804

Casey, Emma, Courage, Fiona and Hubble, Nick (2014) Special Section Introduction: Mass Observation as Method. Sociological Research Online, 19 (3). ISSN 1360-7804

Casey, Emma and Taylor, Yvette (2014) Introduction: Intimacies, families and practices of consumption. Families, Relationships and Societies, 3 (1). pp. 131-133. ISSN 2046-7435

Chapman, Rachael and Lowndes, Vivien (2014) Searching for authenticity? Understanding representation in network governance: the case of faith engagement. Public Administration, 92 (2). pp. 274-290. ISSN 1467-9299

Cieslik, Mark (2014) Introduction: Happiness Studies [Editorial]. Sociological Research Online, 19 (2). ISSN 1360-7804

Cohen, Sarah (2014) Labour Party Anti-Communism and its Limits: The Case of Sam Watson. Socialist History, 44. ISSN 0969-4331

Cole, Bankole and Chipaca, Adelino (2014) Juvenile delinquency in Angola. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 14 (1). pp. 61-76. ISSN 1748-8958

Cole, Bankole, Maxwell, Maureen and Chipaca, Adelino (2014) Surviving in the shadows of war: Polyvictimised children in post-conflict Angola. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 16 (2). pp. 87-104. ISSN 1743 4629

Coleman-Fountain, Edmund (2014) Lesbian and gay youth and the question of labels. Sexualities, 17 (7). pp. 802-817. ISSN 1363-4607

Cook, Ian, Ward, Stephen and Ward, Kevin (2014) A springtime journey to the Soviet Union: Postwar planning and policy mobilities through the Iron Curtain. International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research, 38 (3). pp. 805-822. ISSN 0309-1317

Dabrowska, Ewa (2014) Implicit lexical knowledge. Linguistics, 52 (1). pp. 205-223. ISSN 0024-3949

Dabrowska, Ewa (2014) Recycling utterances: A speaker's guide to sentence processing. Cognitive Linguistics, 25 (4). pp. 617-653. ISSN 0936-5907

Davies, Pamela (2014) Green crime and victimization: Tensions between social and environmental justice. Theoretical Criminology, 18 (3). pp. 300-316. ISSN 1362-4806

Derham, Michael (2014) Chavez's Children: Ideology, Education and Society in Latin America [Book review]. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 91 (7). pp. 1111-1112. ISSN 1475-3820

Duffy, Sarah (2014) The role of cultural artifacts in the interpretation of metaphorical expressions about time. Metaphor and Symbol, 29 (2). pp. 94-112. ISSN 1092-6488

Duffy, Sarah and Feist, Michele (2014) Individual differences in the interpretation of ambiguous statements about time. Cognitive Linguistics, 25 (1). pp. 29-54. ISSN 1613-3641

Duffy, Sarah, Feist, Michele and McCarthy, Steven (2014) Moving Through Time: The Role of Personality in Three Real-Life Contexts. Cognitive Science, 38 (8). pp. 1662-1674. ISSN 1551-6709

Farrand Carrapico, Helena (2014) Analysing the European Union's responses to organized crime through different securitization lenses. European Security, 23 (4). pp. 601-617. ISSN 0966-2839

Farrand Carrapico, Helena, Irrera, Daniela and Tupman, Bill (2014) Transnational organised crime and terrorism: different peas, same pod? Global Crime, 15 (3-4). pp. 213-218. ISSN 1744-0572

Fohring, Stephanie (2014) Putting a face on the dark figure: Describing victims who don’t report crime. Temida, 17 (4). pp. 3-18. ISSN 1450-6637

Gill, Duane, Ritchie, Liesel, Picou, J. Steven, Langhinrichsen-Rohling, Jennifer, Long, Michael and Shenesey, Jessica (2014) The Exxon and BP oil spills: a comparison of psychosocial impacts. Natural Hazards, 74 (3). pp. 1911-1932. ISSN 0921-030X

Griffiths, Mark (2014) The affective spaces of global civil society and why they matter. Emotion, Space and Society, 11. pp. 89-95. ISSN 1755-4586

Haack, Kirsten (2014) Breaking barriers? Women’s leadership and representation at the United Nations. Global Governance, 20 (1). pp. 37-54. ISSN 1075-2846

Haack, Kirsten (2014) Gaining Access to the “World's Largest Men's Club”: Women Leading UN Agencies. Global Society, 28 (2). pp. 217-240. ISSN 1360-0826

Haq, Jackie and Lewis, Ruth (2014) The violence of community? Conceptualizations of 'community' in responses to intimate partner abuse. Community Development Journal, 49 (3). pp. 373-389. ISSN 0010-3802

Hardill, Irene (2014) Faith-Based Organizations and Exclusion in European Cities. Journal of Church and State, 56 (4). pp. 775-776. ISSN 0021-969X

Hepplewhite, Kay (2014) Here's another nice mess: using video in reflective dialogue research method. Research in Drama Education: Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 19 (3). pp. 326-335. ISSN 1356-9783

Hogg, Eddy, Hardill, Irene and Ramsey, John (2014) Co-producing knowledge: reflections on the benefits and challenges of researching in partnership with voluntary sector organisations. Voluntary Sector Review, 5 (3). pp. 399-406. ISSN 2040-8056

Horton, Mike, Wright, Nat, Dyer, Wendy, Wright-Hughes, Alex, Farrin, Amanda, Mohammed, Zanib, Smith, Jamie, Heyes, Tom, Gilbody, Simon and Tennant, Alan (2014) Assessing the risk of self-harm in an adult offender population: an incidence cohort study. Health Technology Assessment, 18 (64). 1+. ISSN 1366-5278

Howard, Lorraine and Doherty-Sneddon, Gwyneth (2014) How HANDy are baby signs? A commentary on a systematic review of the impact of gestural communication on typically developing, hearing infants under the age of 36 months. First Language, 34 (6). pp. 510-515. ISSN 0142-7237

Jenkins, Katy (2014) Women, mining and development: An emerging research agenda. The Extractive Industries and Society, 1 (2). pp. 329-339. ISSN 2214-790X

Jones, Matthew (2014) Policing sex [Book review]. Policing and Society, 24 (2). pp. 261-263. ISSN 1043-9463

Kaunert, Christian, Léonard, Sarah, Farrand Carrapico, Helena and Rozée, Stephen (2014) The governance of justice and internal security in Scotland: between the Scottish independence referendum and British decisions on the EU. European Security, 23 (3). pp. 344-363. ISSN 0966-2839

Laing, Mary and Cook, Ian (2014) Governing sex work in the city. Geography Compass, 8 (8). pp. 505-515. ISSN 1749-8198

Leung, Alex (2014) Input multiplicity and the robustness of phonological categories in child L2 phonology acquisition. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech (New Sounds 2013). pp. 401-415. ISSN 2292-4248

Long, Michael and Murray, Douglas (2014) Consumer Convergence and Collective Motivations for Purchasing Ethical Products. Research in Rural Sociology and Development, 21. pp. 185-207. ISSN 1057-1922

Mahlberg, Gaby (2014) Les juges jugez, se justifiants (1663) and Edmund Ludlow's protestant network in seventeenth-century Switzerland. The Historical Journal, 57 (2). pp. 369-396. ISSN 0018-246X

Marine, Susan and Lewis, Ruth (2014) I’m in this for real: Revisiting young women’s feminist becoming. Women's Studies International Forum, 47 (A). pp. 11-22. ISSN 0277-5395

McLaughlin, Janice and Coleman-Fountain, Edmund (2014) The unfinished body: The medical and social reshaping of disabled young bodies. Social Science & Medicine, 120. pp. 76-84. ISSN 0277-9536

Mele, Valentina and Ongaro, Edoardo (2014) Public sector reform in a context of political instability: Italy 1992-2007. International Public Management Journal, 17 (1). pp. 111-142. ISSN 1559-3169

Miranda, Diana and Machado, Helena (2014) O detetive híbrido: inovação tecnológica e tradição na investigação criminal. = The hybrid detective - technological innovation and tradition in criminal investigation. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, 10 (20). pp. 11-24. ISSN 1984-3526

Moreh, Chris (2014) Multilevel Citizenship [Book review]. Nations and Nationalism, 20 (4). pp. 828-829. ISSN 1354-5078

Newbon, Pete (2014) Romantic readers and transatlantic travel: Expeditions and tours in North America, 1760-1840 [Book review]. Literature and History-Third Series, 23 (1). pp. 74-76.

Ongaro, Edoardo (2014) Fiducia: Il Tassello Perduto della Costruzione Europea? Munera: Rivista Europea di Cultura, 1. pp. 79-84. ISSN 2280-5036

Ongaro, Edoardo (2014) The relationship between the new European governance emerging from the fiscal crisis and administrative reforms: Qualitatively different, quantitatively different, or nothing new? A plea for a research agenda. Halduskultur – Administrative Culture, 15 (1). pp. 10-20. ISSN 1736-6089

Pugalis, Lee, Liddle, Joyce, Deas, Iain, Bailey, Nick, Pill, Madeleine, Green, Charles, Pearson, Carl, Reeve, Alan, Shipley, Robert, Manns, Jonathan, Dickinson, Scott, Joyce, Phil, Marlow, David, Havers, Imelda, Rowe, M., Southern, Alan, Headlam, Nicola, Janssen-Jansen, Leonie, Lloyd, Greg and Doyle, Jennifer (2014) Regeneration beyond austerity: A collective viewpoint. Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, 7 (2). p. 188. ISSN 1752-9638

Raynolds, Laura, Long, Michael and Murray, Douglas (2014) Regulating Corporate Responsibility in the American Market: A Comparative Analysis of Voluntary Certifications. Competition & Change, 18 (2). pp. 91-110. ISSN 1024-5294

Ridley, Louise (2014) No substitute for the real thing: the impact of prison based work experience on students' thinking about imprisonment. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 53 (1). pp. 16-30. ISSN 1468-2311

Ridley, Louise and Wray, David (2014) 'At risk' young people and preparedness for work: the Youth Choice Project. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 26 (1). pp. 61-74. ISSN 0892-7545

Rowe, Michael and Soppitt, Sarah (2014) ‘Who you gonna call?’The role of trust and relationships in desistance from crime. Probation Journal, 61 (4). pp. 397-412. ISSN 0264-5505

Shaw, Keith (2014) ‘Our Friends in the North’: Responses to the Independence Debate in the North East and Cumbria. Scottish Affairs, 23 (3). pp. 396-406. ISSN 0966-0356

Shaw, Keith, Robinson, Fred and Blackie, Jonathan (2014) Borderlands: Rescaling economic development in Northern England in the context of greater Scottish autonomy. Local Economy, 29 (4-5). pp. 412-428. ISSN 0269-0942

Shen, Anqi and Winlow, Simon (2014) Women and crime in contemporary China: a review essay. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 38 (4). pp. 327-342. ISSN 0192-4036

Soppitt, Sarah and Irving, Adele (2014) Triage: Line or Nets? Early Intervention and the Youth Justice System. Safer Communities, 13 (4). pp. 147-160. ISSN 1757-8043

Stephenson, Carol, Stirling, John and Wray, David (2014) Dig where you stand: Working life biographies as a challenge to the neoliberal classroom. Capital & Class, 38 (2). pp. 399-412. ISSN 0309-8168

Sutherland, Claire (2014) Leaving and longing: migration museums as nation-building sites. Museum and Society, 12 (2). pp. 118-131. ISSN 1479-8360

Tankebe, Justice, Hills, Alice and Cole, Bankole (2014) Emerging issues of crime and criminal justice in sub-Saharan Africa. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 14 (1). pp. 3-7. ISSN 1748-8958

Taylor, Stephen (2014) The Diasporic Pursuit of Home and Identity: Dynamic Punjabi Transnationalism. The Sociological Review, 62 (2). pp. 276-294. ISSN 1467-954X

Taylor, Steve (2014) Religious conversion and Dalit assertion amongst a Punjabi Dalit diaspora. Sociological Bulletin, 63 (2). pp. 224-246. ISSN 0038-0229

Trevino-Rangel, Javier (2014) Gobernando el pasado: el proceso de justicia transicional en México, 2001-2006. Foro Internacional, 54 (1). pp. 31-75. ISSN 0185-013X

Verhoest, Koen, Wynen, Jan, Ongaro, Edoardo and van Thiel, Sandra (2014) Innovation-oriented culture in the public sector: Do managerial autonomy and result control lead to innovation? Public Management Review, 16 (1). pp. 45-66. ISSN 1471-9037

Vickers, Tom (2014) Academics speak out against the UK Immigration Bill. Open Democracy.

Vickers, Tom (2014) Developing an independent anti-racist model for asylum rights organizing in England. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37 (8). pp. 1427-1447. ISSN 0141-9870

Whyman, Philip, Baimbridge, Mark and Mullen, Andrew (2014) Revisiting the European social model(s) debate : challenges and prospects. L'Europe en Formation, 372 (2). p. 8. ISSN 0014-2808

Winlow, Simon (2014) Trauma, Guilt and the Unconscious: Some Theoretical Notes on Violent Subjectivity. The Sociological Review, 62 (2_supp). pp. 32-49. ISSN 0038-0261

Wyatt, Tanya (2014) A Criminological Exploration of the Industrialisation of Pig Farming. Internet Journal of Criminology, 1. pp. 12-28. ISSN 2045-6743

Wyatt, Tanya (2014) Non-human animal abuse and wildlife trade: Harm in the fur and falcon trades. Society and Animals, 22 (2). pp. 194-210. ISSN 1568-5306

Wyatt, Tanya (2014) The Russian Far East’s illegal timber trade: an organized crime? Crime, Law and Social Change, 61 (1). pp. 15-35. ISSN 0925-4994

Wyatt, Tanya, Beirne, Piers and South, Nigel (2014) Special Edition: Green Criminology Matters Guest Editors’ Introduction. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 3 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2202-8005

del Mar Garcia-Molina, Maria, Muñoz‐Muñoz (Munoz), Jose Luis, Berna, Jose, García-Ruiz, Pedro Antonio, Rodriguez-Lopez, Jose Neptuno and Garcia-Canovas, Francisco (2014) Catalysis and inactivation of tyrosinase in its action on hydroxyhydroquinone. IUBMB Life, 66 (2). pp. 122-127. ISSN 1521-6543

Book Section

Baillie Smith, Matt (2014) Development education, global citizenship and international volunteering. In: The Companion to Development Studies. Routledge, London, pp. 485-490. ISBN 978-0-415-82665-5

Bilby, Charlotte (2014) Creativity and Rehabilitation: What Else Might Work in Changing Sex Offenders’ Behaviour? In: Responding to Sexual Offending: Perceptions, Risk Management and Public Perception. Palgrave Studies in Risk, Crime and Society . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 189-205. ISBN 9781137358127, 9781137358134

Cook, Ian and Swyngedouw, Erik (2014) Cities, nature and sustainability. In: Cities and Social Change. SAGE, London. ISBN 978-1848601093

Coulthard, Sarah, Sandaruwan, Lahiru, Paranamana, Nasheera and Koralgama, Dilanthi (2014) Taking a wellbeing approach to fisheries research: insights from a Sri Lankan fishing village and relevance for sustainable fisheries. In: Methodological challenges and new approaches to research in international development. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 111-144. ISBN 978-1137293619

Davies, Pamela (2014) Gender First: The secret to revealing sexual crimes and victimisations. In: Invisible Crimes and Social Harms. Critical Criminological Perspectives . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137347817

Davies, Pamela (2014) Thinking Critically About Invisible Crimes and Social Harms. In: Invisible Crimes and Social Harms. Critical Criminological Perspectives . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137347817

Davies, Pamela, Francis, Peter and Wyatt, Tanya (2014) Taking Invisible Crimes and Social Harms Seriously. In: Invisible Crimes and Social Harms. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137347817

Francis, Peter, Davies, Pamela and Wyatt, Tanya (2014) Invisible Crimes, Social Harms and the Radical Criminological Tradition. In: Invisible Crimes and Social Harms. Critical Criminological Perspectives . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 244-256. ISBN 9781137347817, 9781137347824, 9781349467501

Gaffney, Justin and Laing, Mary (2014) Health and Wellness Services for Male Sex Workers. In: Male sex work and society. Harrington Park Press, New York, pp. 260-284. ISBN 9781939594013

Hardill, Irene (2014) The Intergenerational Help Desk: Encouraging ICT Use in Older Adults in England. In: Intergenerational Space. Routledge Studies in Human Geography . Routledge, London, pp. 273-285. ISBN 9780415855310

Harding, Jamie and Irving, Adele (2014) Anti-Social Behaviour among Homeless People: Assumptions or Reality? In: Anti-Social Behaviour in Britain: Victorian and Contemporary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 155-165. ISBN 9781137399304, 9781137399311

Hensengerth, Oliver (2014) Between Local and Global Norms: Hydropower Policy Reform in China. In: Evolution of dam policies. Springer, London, pp. 55-93. ISBN 978-3-642-23402-6

Hensengerth, Oliver (2014) Hydropower planning in informal institutional settings: Chinese institutions and the failure of environmental and social regulation in Cambodia. In: Evolution of Dam Policies: evidence from the big hydropower states. Springer, London, pp. 273-306. ISBN 9783642234026

Jones, Matthew (2014) A Diversity Stone Left Unturned? Exploring the occupational complexities surrounding lesbian, gay and bisexual police officers. In: The Future of Policing. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 149-163. ISBN 9780415821629

Laing, Mary (2014) Selling Sex Invisibly: Solicitation as an Invisible Crime. In: Invisible Crimes and Social Harms. Critical Criminological Perspectives . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 978-1137347817

Long, Michael, Stretesky, Paul and Lynch, Michael (2014) The Treadmill of Production, Planetary Boundaries and Green Criminology. In: Environmental Crime and its Victims: Perspectives within Green Criminology. Green Criminology . Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 263-275. ISBN 9781472422781

Ongaro, Edoardo, Galli, Davide, Longo, Francesco and Nasi, Greta (2014) Coordinating Care in the Italian Region of Lombardy. In: Organizing for Coordination in the Public Sector. Public Sector Organizations . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 187-198. ISBN 9781137359629

Sutherland, Claire (2014) Borders of belonging : the UK Border Agency museum as a nation-building site. In: Challenging history in the museum : international perspectives. Taylor & Francis, Farnham, Surrey, pp. 175-186. ISBN 9781409467243

Sutherland, Claire (2014) Vietnamese diasporic citizenship. In: Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies. Routledge International Handbooks . Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 522-531. ISBN 9780415519724

Taylor, Steve (2014) Land, migration and identity: Changing Punjabi transnationalism. In: India Migration Report 2014: Diaspora and Development. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138788190

Taylor, Yvette and Addison, Michelle (2014) Placing research: 'City publics' and the 'public sociologist'. In: The Entrepreneurial University. Palgrave, pp. 242-260. ISBN 9781137275868

Theobald, Kate and Shaw, Keith (2014) Urban Governance, Planning, and Retrofit. In: Urban Retrofitting for Sustainability. Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 87-98. ISBN 9780415642514

Tudor, Kate and Tombs, Steve (2014) After the Crisis: New Directions in Theorising Corporate and White-Collar Crime. In: Critical Criminology: Critical issues in criminological research. Critical Concepts in Criminology, 2 . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 225-241. ISBN 9780415660761

Vickers, Tom (2014) Migration, Political Engagement and the State: A case study of immigrants and communists in 1930s South Tyneside in the UK. In: Reconfiguring Citizenship: Social exclusion and diversity within inclusive citizenship practices. Contemporary Social Work Studies . Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 55-64. ISBN 978-1472403179

Vickers, Tom and Dominelli, Lena (2014) Humanitarian aid in times of disasters: lessons from responses to the 2004 tsunami in Sri-Lanka. In: Environmental Change and Sustainable Social Development. Social Work-Social Development, II . Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 49-52. ISBN 978-1472416377

Wyatt, Tanya (2014) Assessing the partner and media engagement with the international consortium on combating wildlife crime. In: Environmental Crime and its Victims: Perspectives within Green Criminology. Green Criminology . Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 277-291. ISBN 9781138637757, 9781472422781, 9781315580005


Argomaniz, Javier and Farrand Carrapico, Helena (2014) EU governance of the internet: analyzing Europol’s role in the development of a EU cyber crime and cyber security policies. Working Paper. European Union Studies Association.

Chapman, Rachael, Biddle, Paul, Moss, Oliver, Irving, Adele and Cole, Bankole (2014) Audit of Faith Group Activities and Community Projects in the London Borough of Sutton. Project Report. Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

Harding, Jamie, Irving, Adele, Ridley, Louise and Bilby, Charlotte (2014) An Evaluation of ‘Through the Gate Plus’ in the North East of England. Project Report. Northumbria University.

Irving, Adele (2014) Creativity Matters – Third Year Evaluation report. Project Report. Northumbria University. (Unpublished)

Irving, Adele, Biddle, Paul and Moss, Oliver (2014) Evaluation of the People's Kitchen. Project Report. Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Irving, Adele, Rowe, Michael and Soppitt, Sarah (2014) Evaluation of the Recovery Support Service. Project Report. Northumbria University.

Irving, Adele and Spencer, Sheila (2014) One Year One: Welfare Reform in the North East and its Impacts on Single Homelessness. Project Report. Northumbria University.

Myers, Scott, Dyer, Wendy and Humble, Darryl (2014) Reducing Re-Offending Group Evaluation. Project Report. Northumbria University.

Conference or Workshop Item

Bowman, Sarah (2014) Knowledge, competencies and self-awareness in public affairs: A UK pilot study and methodological approach. In: 8th World Public Relations Forum Research Colloquium, 21st - 23rd September 2014, Madrid, Spain.

Campbell, David (2014) David Campbell - Common Culture: recent projects and comic engagement. In: Research/KU, 27th October 2014, The Royal Institute of Art, Flaggmansvägen 1, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm..

Cohen, Sarah (2014) The Conservative Party: Fighting the Cold War from Within. In: 64th Political Studies Association Annual International Conference, 14 - 16 April 2014, Manchester, UK.

Cohen, Sarah and Cohen, Gidon (2014) Varieties of Conservative Anti-Communism. In: Britain and the World Conference, 19 - 21 June 2014, Newcastle University.

Davies, Pamela (2014) Bearing the Brunt of Harm and Criminal Victimisation: Women, vulnerability and resilience. In: Celebrating International Women’s Day: a showcase of research on women and inequality, 5th March 2014, Northumbria University.

Davies, Pamela (2014) Green Crime and Victimisation: Tensions between social and ecological justice. In: Climate Change Seminar, 30 October 2014, Sheffield University, UK.

Davies, Pamela (2014) Indirect Victims of Child Sexual Abuse: Preliminary findings from research on the needs of and support for families of child sexual abuse. In: British Society of Criminology Conference 2014, 10-12 July 2014, Liverpool, UK.

Davies, Pamela (2014) The Needs of and Support for Families of Child Sexual Abuse: Some preliminary findings. In: Northumbria Research Conference, 21-22nd May 2014, Northumbria University.

Fehringer, Gerhard, Griffiths, Elisabeth, Proud, Carole and McCullock, Carrie (2014) Directing Placements. In: ASET Annual Conference 2014, 2nd - 4th September 2014, Newcastle, UK.

Irving, Adele (2014) Housing as a Means, Not an End: Reconceptualising Housing Quality through Wellbeing Research. In: Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2014, 15th - 17th April 2014, University of York.

Larkin, Valerie and Flaherty, Alison (2014) Falling into action research; practice development activity providing the basis for future action research. In: CARN Conference 2014, 31st October - 2nd November 2014, Gateshead.

Pavlovskaya, Natalia, Jarad, Samawal, Leung, Alex and Young-Scholten, Martha (2014) What do adult L2 learners know about phonology after minimal exposure? In: BAAL 2014 Conference 47th Annual Meeting: Learning, Working and Communicating in a Global Context, 4-6 September 2014, Coventry.

Stretesky, Paul, Long, Michael and Lynch, Michael (2014) The Uneven Geography of Environmental Enforcement INGOs: National Influence of Wealth on a Global Civil Society and Potential Implications for Ecological Disorganization. In: British Society of Criminology Annual Conference 2014, 9-12 July 2014, Liverpool.

Stretesky, Paul, Lynch, Michael, Long, Michael and Barrett, Kimberly (2014) The failure of deterrence in environmental law: Why the modernization of criminal enforcement will not stop ecological disorganization. In: 14th Annual Conference of European Society of Criminology, 10-13 September 2014, Prague.

Taylor, Steve (2014) Land, Migration and Identity: Changing Punjabi Transnationalism. In: Migration, Houses and Homes, June 2014, London.

Taylor, Steve (2014) Land, Migration and Identity: Dynamic Punjabi Transnationalism. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference: Changing Society, 23-25 April 2014, Leeds.

Vyas, Pratik, Young, Robert, Spencer, Nick and Sice, Petia (2014) Can awareness-based practices benefit co-creation in community social innovation? In: ServDes.2014 - Service Design and Innovation Conference, 9th - 11th April 2014, Lancaster, UK.


Coleman-Fountain, Edmund (2014) Understanding Narrative Identity Through Lesbian and Gay Youth. Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences . Springer. ISBN 9781349348381

Davies, Pamela, Francis, Peter and Wyatt, Tanya (2014) Invisible Crimes and Social Harms. Critical Criminological Perspectives Series . PalgraveMacmillan. ISBN 978-1137347817

Lynch, Michael and Stretesky, Paul (2014) Exploring Green Criminology: Toward a Green Criminological Revolution. Green Criminology . Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9781472418067

Scheumann, Waltina and Hensengerth, Oliver (2014) Evolution of Dam Policies: evidence from the big hydropower states. Springer, London. ISBN 9783642234026


Biddle, Paul, Senior, Jane, Tyre, Kirsty and O'Hara, Kate (2014) Liaison & Diversion Minimum Dataset. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

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