Identifying priorities and gap areas in engagement and co-productive activity: a mapping exercise. A report to the Scottish Older People’s Assembly

Egdell, Valerie, Graham, Helen and McQuaid, Ronald (2013) Identifying priorities and gap areas in engagement and co-productive activity: a mapping exercise. A report to the Scottish Older People’s Assembly. Project Report. Edinburgh Napier University.

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This report briefly maps significant examples of:
•current engagement with older people (where organisations systematically listen to and talk with older people about their needs and experiences on the design and delivery of services); and
•co-productive activity (where an older person using a service and the provider of the service, work together and decide what should be done and how).

The research also includes a literature review and was conducted by the Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University, on behalf of the Scottish Older People’s Assembly.

Item Type: Report (Project Report)
Subjects: L400 Social Policy
Department: Faculties > Business and Law > Newcastle Business School
Depositing User: Paul Burns
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2018 18:21
Last Modified: 19 Nov 2019 09:51

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