Items where Division is "Faculties > Business and Law > Northumbria Law School" and Year is 2013
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Alexander, Jill and Spurgeon, Simon (2013) Conveyancing Practice [67th ed.]. Sweet & Maxwell, London. ISBN 9780421349209
Alexander, Jill and Spurgeon, Simon (2013) Conveyancing Practice [68th ed.]. Sweet & Maxwell, London. ISBN 9780421349209
Antonopoulos, Georgios, Papanicolaou, Georgios, Tupling, Claire and Wattis, Louise (2013) Perspectives on punitivity, victimisation and fear of crime: a student case study in the United Kingdom. In: Fear of crime and punitivity: results for international student surveys. Crime and crime policy (9). Brockmeyer, Bochum, pp. 39-80. ISBN 9783819609107
Arthur, Raymond (2013) The Big Society, children’s citizenship and the youth justice system. In: What is Justice? Re-imagining penal policy, 1-2 October 2013, Keble College, Oxford.
Arthur, Raymond (2013) Children’s citizenship and the youth justice system. In: Institute of Applied Ethics Research Seminar (in conjunction with the Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice and the Crime Studies Network), 6th November 2013, Hull University.
Arthur, Raymond (2013) Punishing children for their behaviour. Contemporary Social Science, 8 (2). pp. 83-91. ISSN 2158-2041
Arthur, Raymond (2013) Youth, competence and criminal responsibility. In: Mental Disorder and Criminal Justice Conference, 12 October 2013, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Badar, Mohamed (2013) Blame it on the ICC? Importing German Theories into the African Continent, Indirect Co-Perpetration and Beyond. In: International Criminal Court Summer School, 17-21 June 2013, Galway.
Badar, Mohamed (2013) Blame it on the ICC? Importing German theories into the African Continent, Indirect Co-Perpetration and Beyond. In: The First Ten Years of the International Criminal Court, Achievements and Challenges, 26 April 2013, Edge Hill University.
Badar, Mohamed (2013) The International Criminal Court and the Challenge of Legal Pluralism: The Islamic Law on Rebellion and the Armed Conflict in Nigeria. In: Legal Tradition in a Diverse World", 18-19 May 2013, Cambridge.
Badar, Mohamed (2013) Ius in Bello under Islamic International Law. International Criminal Law Review, 13 (3). pp. 593-625. ISSN 1567-536X
Badar, Mohamed (2013) Shari’a Limitations on Jihad (Jus ad Bellum) and the Use of Force (Jus in Bello). In: 2013 Seminar on Shari’a Law and Military Operations, 24-30 November 2013, Siracusa.
Badar, Mohamed (2013) The concept of mens rea in international criminal law: the case for a unified approach. Studies in International and Comparative Criminal . Hart Publishing, Oxford. ISBN 9781841137605
Badar, Mohamed and Marchuk, Iryna (2013) A comparative study of the principles governing criminal responsibility in the major legal systems of the world (England, United States, Germany, France, Denmark, Russia, China, and Islamic legal tradition). Criminal Law Forum, 24 (1). pp. 1-48. ISSN 1046-8374
Bainbridge, Jonathan, Clough, Joanne, Hewitson, Russell, Jackson, Adam, Judd, Philip, Wilson, Steve and Wolf, Susan (2013) Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary (12th Edition) [dictionary entries]. In: Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary. Sweet & Maxwell. ISBN 9780414023208
Bainbridge, Jonathan, Counsell, Karen, Grealy, Freda, Mills, Joel and O'Boyle, Rory (2013) iLEGALL (iPads and Legal Learning): mobile legal learning. In: The British & Irish Education & Technology Association Conference, 10 May 2013, The Liverpool Law School.
Bales, Katie (2013) Universal Credit: Not so universal? Deconstructing the impact of the asylum support system. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 35 (4). pp. 427-443. ISSN 09649069
Bates, John (2013) Assignment Impossible? Time for the final call for companies purchasing claims for denied boarding compensation? Travel Law Quarterly, 5 (3). pp. 183-188. ISSN 1759-8982
Bates, John (2013) ‘Faster, higher, stronger? Too much?’ Pushing the limits of negligence liability in sports coaching. In: Northumbria Research Conference 2013, 15-16 May 2013, Northumbria University. (Unpublished)
Bates, John (2013) ‘Keeping your friends close … and enemies closer?' Probing the social media space in insurance fraud investigations. In: ‘Changing notions of privacy’: The Fifth Northumbria Information Rights Conference’, Northumbria University, 1 May 2013, 1 May 2013, Northern Design Centre. (Unpublished)
Bates, John (2013) Unhappy landings: liability for obvious risks taken by rational visitors. Travel Law Quarterly, 5 (1). pp. 17-22. ISSN 1759-8982
Bates, John (2013) 'We're all in this together?': Dipping a toe in the hot tub. In: Socio- Legal Studies Association Conference, 26 -28 March 2013, University of York. (Unpublished)
Bates, John (2013) 'With "friends" like these...': Social media environments and insurance fraud investigation. In: Socio- Legal Studies Association Conference, 26 -28 March 2013, University of York. (Unpublished)
Bessant, Claire (2013) At risk of domestic violence? The right to ask and the right to know. In: SLSA Conference 2013, 26-28 March 2013, York University.
Bessant, Claire (2013) The Changing Notion of Family Privacy. In: 5th Northumbria Information Rights Conference, 1 May 2013, Gateshead.
Blackie, Kim and Bates, John (2013) Civil Litigation in Practice 13th edition 2013/14. Northumbria Law Press, Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN 9781906596224
Brants, Chrisje (2013) Comparing criminal process as part of legal culture. In: Comparative Criminal Justice and Globalization. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 49-67. ISBN 978-1409497615
Brants, Chrisje and Klep, Katrien (2013) Transitional justice: History-Telling, Collective Memory and the Victim-Witness. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 7 (1). pp. 36-49. ISSN 1864-1385
Breakey, Peter (2013) Is piercing the veil contrary to high authority? A footnote to the "never-ending story". Company Lawyer, 34 (11). pp. 352-355. ISSN 0144-1027
Breakey, Peter (2013) The UK Corporate Governance Code. Company Secretary's Review, 37 (15). pp. 118-119. ISSN 0309-703X
Brewer, Mark (2013) Global Financial Markets. In: Encyclopaedia of Corporate Social Responsibility. Springer, London. ISBN 978-3-642-28035-1
Campbell, Elaine (2013) Special bodies: an update. In: Clinical Legal Education Organisation Conference, 14 - 16 November 2013, Portsmouth.
Clough, Joanne (2013) Sharpening the knife: a critique of the criminalisation of bladed articles. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 3-6 September 2013, Edinburgh.
Clough, Joanne (2013) The role of subjectivity in determining "good reason" to possess a bladed article: R v Clancey. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77. pp. 180-184. ISSN 0022-0183
Clough, Joanne (2013) A stab in the dark: Is the deterrent sentencing policy adopted for knife crime having the desired deterrent effect? In: North South Criminology Conference, 20 - 21 June 2013, Cork.
Dickinson, Claire, Bamford, Claire, Exley, Catherine, Emmett, Charlotte, Hughes, Julian and Robinson, Louise (2013) Planning for tomorrow whilst living for today: the views of people with dementia and their families on Advance Care Planning. International Psychogeriatrics, 25 (12). pp. 2011-2021. ISSN 1873-9598
Doig, Gavin and Wortley, Natalie (2013) Conditional consent? An emerging concept in the law of rape. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (4). pp. 286-291. ISSN 0022-0183
Emmett, Charlotte and Poole, Marie (2013) Making best interest decisions for dementia patients on discharge from general hospital: Do family and friends fulfil an effective safeguarding function under English law? In: 33rd Congress of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health, 14-19 July 2013, Amsterdam.
Emmett, Charlotte, Poole, Marie, Bond, John and Hughes, Julian (2013) Homeward bound or bound for a home? Assessing the capacity of dementia patients to make decisions about hospital discharge: Comparing practice with legal standards. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36 (1). pp. 73-82. ISSN 0160-2527
Emmett, Charlotte, Poole, Marie, Bond, John and Hughes, Julian (2013) Residence capacity: complexity and confusion. Elder Law Journal, 3 (1). pp. 159-166. ISSN 2044-9593
Farran, Sue (2013) The "Age of Empire" again? The Law Teacher, 47 (3). pp. 345-367. ISSN 0306-9400
Farran, Sue (2013) Age of Empire. Again? In: Irish Society of Comparative Law Annual Conference, 24-25 May 2013, National University of Ireland (NUI Galway).
Farran, Sue (2013) Earth under the Nails: the Extraordinary Return to the Land. In: Modern Studies in Property Law. Modern Studies in Property Law, 7 . Hart, Oxford, pp. 173-191. ISBN 9781849463218
Farran, Sue (2013) 'That plant is my ancestor'. The significance of intellectual property on food security in developing countries. In: SLSA Annual Conference, 26 - 28 March 2013, York Law School, University of York.
Farran, Sue (2013) Vanuatu : lands in a sea of islands. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Farran, Sue (2013) The ‘unnatural’ legal framing of traditional knowledge and forms of cultural expression in the Pacific. Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies, 1 (2). pp. 181-197. ISSN 2050-4039
Farran, Sue and Forsyth, Miranda (2013) Intellectual Property and Food Security in Least Developed Countries. Third World Quarterly, 34 (3). pp. 516-533. ISSN 0143-6597
Fenwick, John and Wharton, Chris (2013) Advertising research. In: Advertising as Culture. Intellect Books, Bristol, pp. 13-32. ISBN 9781841506142
Gill, Gita (2013) Feminisation of Poverty: Rural Indian women and environment. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 63 (2). pp. 291-315. ISSN 0029-3105
Gill, Gita (2013) Sustainable Development or Not? A Case Study from India. In: Staff Seminar University College London, 12 February 2013, London, UK.
Glancey, Richard (2013) What have Superman and Judge Dredd got to do with constitutional law? In: Graphic Justice Symposium, 11 September 2013, London.
Glancey, Richard, Smith, Rhona and Spain, Eimear (2013) Core Statutes on Public Law and Civil Liberties 2013-14. Core Statutes . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137337818
Gray, James (2013) The Good Life for Lawyers? Ethics, legal education and values. In: The Legal Profession: Education and Ethics in Practice. ATINER, Athens, pp. 49-64. ISBN 9789609549370
Griffin, James and Nair, Abhilash (2013) Scientia potentia est: Making threats of copyright infringement. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 27 (3). pp. 280-300. ISSN 1360-0869
Guinchard, Emmanuel (2013) Le règlement des petits litiges: un premier bilan plutôt décevant. In: Un recouvrement de créances sans frontières? European Economic Code . Larcier, Belgium, pp. 65-92. ISBN 9782804454319
Hamilton, Frances (2013) Why the margin of appreciation is not the answer to the gay marriage debate. European Human Rights Law Review, 2013 (1). pp. 47-55. ISSN 1361-1526
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Conveyancing Fees & Duties [39th Edition]. Bloomsbury Professional, London. ISBN 9781780431116
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Practical Lease Precedents (Release 34). Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Practical Lease Precedents (Release 35). Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Practical Lease Precedents (Release 36). Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Practical Lease Precedents (Release 37). Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Precedents for the Conveyancer [Release 218]. Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Precedents for the Conveyancer [Release 219]. Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Precedents for the Conveyancer [Release 220]. Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Precedents for the Conveyancer [Release 221]. Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Precedents for the Conveyancer [Release 222]. Sweet & Maxwell, London.
Hewitson, Russell (2013) Property Law and Practice: an integrated guide to the law and practice of conveyancing, 2013-2014 [14th edition]. LPC Manuals: Northumbria Law Press . Northumbria Law Press, Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN 9781906596231
Hewitt, David (2013) Her treatment at and around the meeting was deplorable: Might safeguarding itself constitute abuse? Journal of Adult Protection, 15 (2). pp. 96-106. ISSN 1466 8203
Hyde, Richard (2013) Why separate the regulatory regimes applicable to food safety and product safety? Legal Studies, 33 (4). pp. 509-531. ISSN 0261-3875
Jackson, Adam (2013) Admissibility of fingerprints taken on an unauthorised device: Public Prosecution Service of Northern Ireland v Elliott [2013] UKSC 32 [Case Comment]. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (5). pp. 376-379. ISSN 0022-0183
Jackson, Adam (2013) Case Comment: Common Assault: Alternatives and Attempts. Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (2). pp. 102-105. ISSN 0022-0183
Jackson, Adam (2013) Case Comment: The meaning of "dangerousness" in the context of constructive manslaughter R v M [2012] EWCA Crim 2293. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (1). pp. 7-10. ISSN 0022-0183
Jackson, Adam (2013) "Thou shalt not kill; but needst not strive officiously to keep alive": further clarification of the law regarding mercy killing, euthanasia and assisted suicide (Case Comment). The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (6). pp. 468-475. ISSN 0022-0183
Jackson, Adam and Wortley, Natalie (2013) Loss of control and the 'normal' person: the relevance of self-induced intoxication. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (4). pp. 292-295. ISSN 0022-0183
Jackson, Adam and Wortley, Natalie (2013) Responding to the Law Commission. In: Mental Disorder and Criminal Justice Conference, 12 October 2013, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.
James, Mark (2013) Player violence and compensation for injury: R v Barnes [2005] 1 Cr App R 507. In: Leading Cases in Sports Law. ASSER International Sports Law Series, VI . T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague, pp. 323-336. ISBN 978-9067049085
Jones, Richard and Nair, Abhilash (2013) Too many laws, too few examples: Law, regulation and technology. International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 27 (1-2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1360-0869
Koh, Benjamin, Holmes, Tracey, Adair, Daryl and James, Mark (2013) WADA's role as a corporate citizen. Sports Business International.
Koh, Benjamin, James, Mark and Adair, Daryl (2013) Doping: Separating the powers of athlete advice from prosecution. World Sports Law Report, 11 (10). pp. 8-11. ISSN 1742-0040
Kotecha, Birju (2013) The ICC: What Counts as a Success? Justice in Conflict.
Kotecha, Birju (2013) The International Criminal Court: rhetoric and reality. Open Democracy.
Kotecha, Birju (2013) The New Landscape of A-Levels and its Consequences for Higher Education. In: Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2013, 24th - 26th March 2013, Nottingham, UK.
Kotecha, Birju (2013) Reframing the International Criminal Court. In: International Postgraduate Legal Conference 2013, 5th July 2013, Liverpool, UK.
Livings, Ben and Smith, Emma (2013) Locating complicity: choice, character, participation, dangerousness and the liberal subjectivist. In: Participation in crime: domestic, comparative and international perspectives. Substantive Issues In Criminal Law . Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 41-58. ISBN 9781409453451
Mallory, Conall (2013) Defining the Edge of Protection: The State Agent Authority Exception in Article 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights. In: CFP: “Law on the Edge” CLSA/LSAANZ Joint Conference, July 2013, UBC Vancouver. (Unpublished)
Mallory, Conall (2013) The European Convention on Human Rights and Jurisdictional Links during Military Operations. In: 4th Scottish Colloquium for Early Career Legal Researchers April 2013, 19 April 2013, University of Dundee. (Unpublished)
Mallory, Conall (2013) Membership and the UN Human Rights Council. Canadian Journal of Human Rights, 2 (1). pp. 1-37.
Martin, Jacqueline and Storey, Tony (2013) Unlocking Criminal Law [4th edition]. Unlocking the Law . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-1444171099
McAlhone, Christina (2013) Core Statutes on Evidence [5th edition]. Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9781137337863
McAlhone, Christina and Wortley, Natalie (2013) Criminal Law: The Fundamentals [3rd edition]. The Fundamentals . Sweet & Maxwell, London. ISBN 9780414027664
McCartney, Carole (2013) Legal Rules, Forensic Science and Wrongful Convictions. In: Encyclopaedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer, London, pp. 2915-2925. ISBN 978-1461456896
McCartney, Carole (2013) Opting-In and Opting-Out: Doing the Hokey Cokey with EU Policing and Judicial Cooperation. Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (6). p. 543. ISSN 0022-0183
McConnell, Lee (2013) Property Status and the Limited Impact of Welfare Legislation for Farm Animals. Journal of Animal and Natural Resource Law, 9. pp. 63-83.
McConnell, Siobhan (2013) Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations - What Constitutes a Commercial Practice? The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (5). pp. 365-370. ISSN 0022-0183
McGrogan, David (2013) Quasi-judicial Behaviour: the Decision Making of Human Rights Monitoring Committees and the Death Penalty. In: Northumbria School of Law Staff Research Seminar Series 2012-13, 13 January 2013, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Mercer, Sarah and Sandford-Couch, Clare (2013) The trial of Oscar Wilde – lawyers and literature. In: The Legal Profession: Education and Ethics in Practice. ATINER, Athens, pp. 65-76. ISBN 978-9609549370
Mitchell, Rebecca and Stockdale, Michael (2013) Directors' disqualification, issue estoppel and abuse of process: Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills v. Potiwal. The Company Lawyer, 34 (5). pp. 161-162. ISSN 0144-1027
Moosavian, Rebecca (2013) 'Fountain Of Honour?’ The role of the crown in the Iraq War. King's Law Journal, 24 (3). pp. 289-315. ISSN 1757-8442
Morse, Sarah and Sharp, Tamsin (2013) Standardised client: the way forward for teaching law students interviewing skills? In: Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education: 4th Annual conference (ACCLE), 16-19 October 2013, Nova Scotia. (Unpublished)
Nair, Abhilash (2013) Combating Child Abuse Images Online: Lessons from the UK. In: International Conference on Cyberlaw and Cybercrime, 13 March 2013, New Delhi, India.
Nair, Abhilash (2013) Internet Pornography: When regulation goes extreme. In: SCuLE Research Seminar, 8 March 2013, University of Exeter, UK.
Nair, Abhilash and Griffin, James (2013) Regulation of extreme pornography: Purposive teleology (in)action. International Journal of Law and Information Technology. ISSN 0967-0769
O'Boyle, Rory (2013) Implementing clinical legal education methods in a CPD context: a case study on the use of standardised clients to teach and assess solicitor-client communication skills. In: NUI Galway & Public Law Interest Alliance Conference: Developing Clinical Legal Education in Ireland, 26-27 April 2013, Galway, Ireland: NUI Galway School of Law..
Osborn, Guy and James, Mark (2013) Guilty by association: Olympic law and the IP effect. Intellectual Property Quarterly, 2. pp. 97-113. ISSN 1364-906X
Reed, Alan (2013) Repentance and forgiveness: withdrawal from participation liability and the proportionality test. In: Participation in crime: domestic, comparative and international perspectives. Substantive Issues in Criminal Law . Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 93-114. ISBN 9781409453451
Reed, Alan (2013) Venue Resolution and Forum Non Conveniens: Four Models of Jurisdictional Propriety. Journal of Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems, 22 (2). pp. 369-454. ISSN 1058-1006
Reed, Alan and Bohlander, Michael (2013) Participation in crime: domestic, comparative and international perspectives. Substantive issues in criminal law . Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9781409453451
Reed, Alan and Wake, Nicola (2013) Potentiate Liability and Preventing Fault Attribution: The Intoxicated Offender and Anglo-American Depecage Standardisations. The John Marshall Law Review, 47 (1). pp. 57-114. ISSN 0270-854X
Reed, Alan and Wake, Nicola (2013) Potentiate liability and preventing fault attribution: the intoxicated “offender” and Anglo-American dépecage standardisations. The John Marshall Law Review, 47 (1). pp. 57-114. ISSN 0270-854X
Sandford-Couch, Clare (2013) Can pictures help students to acquire skills of legal reasoning? In: Northumbria Research Conference, 15-16 May 2013, Northumbria University.
Sandford-Couch, Clare (2013) Legal reasoning: the early years. In: ASLCH 2013: 16th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, 22-23 March 2013, Birkbeck, University of London.
Sandford-Couch, Clare (2013) A kiss of peace: alternative dispute resolution in late medieval Europe. In: SLS Annual Conference, 3-6 September 2013, Edinburgh.
Sandford-Couch, Clare and Mercer, Sarah (2013) Legal ethics in the trial of Oscar Wilde. Legal Ethics, 16 (1). pp. 119-133. ISSN 1460-728X
Savage, Ashley and Hyde, Richard (2013) Local authority handling of Freedom of Information requests: lessons from a research project. Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, 19 (2). ISSN 1360-1326
Shen, Anqi and Antonopoulos, Georgios (2013) Acceptance or resistance: restorative justice in the Chinese youth justice system. In: Locating Restorative Justice within Criminal Justice: Challenges in Theory and Practice, 2-3 May 2013, Durham.
Shen, Anqi and Antonopoulos, Georgios (2013) Restorative Justice Or What?: Restorative Justice in the Chinese Youth Justice System. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 21 (3-4). pp. 291-315. ISSN 0928-9569
Shen, Anqi, Antonopoulos, Georgios and Papanicolaou, Georgios (2013) China’s stolen children: internal child trafficking in the People’s Republic of China. Trends in Organized Crime, 16 (1). pp. 31-48. ISSN 1084-4791
Silverman, Frances, Goss, Annette, Hewitson, Russell, Reekie, Peter, Rodell, Anne and Taylor, Michael (2013) Conveyancing Handbook [20th revised edition]. Legal handbooks . The Law Society, London. ISBN 9781907698743
Smith, Rhona (2013) Embedding Research in the Human Rights Law Curriculum: Reflections on the Teaching–Research Link in Higher Education. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 5 (2). pp. 337-357. ISSN 1757-9619
Smith, Rhona (2013) Human Rights in International Law. In: Human Rights- politics and practice (2nd edition). Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 58-74. ISBN 9780199608287
Smith, Rhona (2013) Texts and Materials on International Human Rights 3rd Ed. Taylor & Francis, London. ISBN 9780415621908
Smith, Rhona (2013) The Third Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child? – Challenges Arising Transforming the Rhetoric into Reality. Journal of International Children's Rights, 21 (2). pp. 305-322. ISSN 0927-5568
Smith, Rhona (2013) "To see Themselves as Others see Them": The five permanent members of the Security Council and the Human Rights Council's universal periodic review. Human Rights Quarterly, 35 (1). pp. 1-32. ISSN 0275-0392
Smith, Rhona and Mallory, Conall (2013) The European system of human rights. In: An Institutional Approach to the Responsibility to Protect. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 439-458. ISBN 9781107036444
Stockdale, Michael (2013) Criminal and Civil Evidence 2013-2014. Northumbria Law Press, Newcastle. ISBN 978-1906596200
Stockdale, Michael (2013) Evidence. In: Archbold Magistrates' Courts Criminal Practice 2014. Sweet & Maxwell, London, pp. 565-655. ISBN 978-0414029262
Stockdale, Michael and Brewis, Brian (2013) Admissibility of low Template DNA evidence. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (2). pp. 115-118. ISSN 0022-0183
Stockdale, Michael, Brewis, Brian and Jackson, Adam (2013) Bad character evidence and potential satellite litigation: R v Dizaei (Jamshid Ali) [2013] EWCA Crim 88. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (2). pp. 110-115. ISSN 0022-0183
Stockdale, Michael and Clough, Joanne (2013) Confessions and the Criminal Justice Act 2003. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (3). pp. 231-254. ISSN 0022-0183
Stockdale, Michael, Jackson, Adam and Brewis, Brian (2013) Sexual history evidence: late disclosure and relevance. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (1). pp. 13-17. ISSN 0022-0183
Stockdale, Michael and Mitchell, Rebecca (2013) Confiscation orders and assessment of Benefit—Hill v Department of Business, Innovation and Skills [2011] EWHC 3436. The Company Lawyer, 34 (5). ISSN 0144-1027
Stockdale, Michael and Mitchell, Rebecca (2013) Joint privilege in English Law. The Company Lawyer, 34. pp. 365-371. ISSN 0144-1027
Stockdale, Michael and Mitchell, Rebecca (2013) Legal Professional Privilege and the Alternative Business Structure. Company Lawyer, 33 (7). p. 204. ISSN 0144-1027
Stockdale, Michael and O'Cain, Andrea (2013) The admissibility of convictions post Clift and Harrison. Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 177 (22). ISSN 1759-7943
Stockdale, Michael and Wortley, Natalie (2013) Interpretation of s.80 of PACE 1984: when is a spouse compellable? The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (1). pp. 10-13. ISSN 0022-0183
Storey, Tony (2013) Loss of control: the qualifying triggers, self-induced loss of self-control and ‘cumulative impact’. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (3). pp. 189-194. ISSN 0022-0183
Storey, Tony (2013) Raising the bar: loss of control and the qualifying triggers. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (1). pp. 17-21. ISSN 0022-0183
Storey, Tony (2013) When is it “necessary” to protect a person from harassment? The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (2). pp. 105-110. ISSN 0022-0183
Storey, Tony (2013) The borderline between insanity and intoxication. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (3). pp. 194-201. ISSN 0022-0183
Visram, Shelina, Steven, Alison and Goodall, Deborah (2013) Mapping conceptualisations of knowledge translation / transfer / exchange across public health in England. In: Second Conference on Knowledge Exchange in Public Health: How to get practice into science?, 22 - 23 April 2013, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands.
Wake, Nicola (2013) Battered Women, Startled Householders and Psychological Self-Defence: Anglo-Australian Perspectives. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (5). pp. 433-457. ISSN 1740-5580
Wake, Nicola (2013) Political Rhetoric or Principled Reform of Loss of Control? Anglo-Australian Perspectives on the Exclusionary Conduct Model. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (6). pp. 512-542. ISSN 1740-5580
Wall, Kate, Higgins, Steve, Hall, Elaine and Woolner, Pam (2013) ‘That's not quite the way we see it’: the epistemological challenge of visual data. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 36 (1). pp. 3-22. ISSN 1743-727X
Watson, Andrew (2013) Children: Leaving Care. In: On the Edge of Adulthood Symposium, 12 September 2013, Gateshead.
Watson, Andrew (2013) Data protection and privacy. In: 5th Information Rights Conference, 1 May 2013, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Watson, Andrew (2013) Starred care plans and the family justice review. In: On the Edge of Adulthood Symposium, 12 September 2013, Gateshead.
Wilson, Tim and Gallop, Angela (2013) Criminal justice, science and the marketplace: the closure of the forensic science service in perspective. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (1). pp. 56-77. ISSN 0022-0183
Wolf, Susan (2013) Access to EU environmental information: EU compliance with Aarhus Convention. ERA Forum, 14 (4). pp. 475-491. ISSN 1612-3093
Wortley, Natalie (2013) Limiting the scope of the conclusive presumptions in the Sexual Offences Act 2003. The Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (5). pp. 370-375. ISSN 0022-0183
Wortley, Natalie (2013) Reasonable belief in consent under the Sexual Offences Act 2003. Journal of Criminal Law, 77 (3). pp. 184-188. ISSN 0022-0183
Yusuf, Salma (2013) In pursuit of 1 Sri Lanka: Lessons from a Malaysian counterpart. UNISCI Discussion Papers, 33. pp. 189-218. ISSN 16962206