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Smailes, Joanne (2021) Peer support: A critical review of CPD to extend beyond classroom observation. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 58 (3). pp. 272-282. ISSN 1470-3297
Smailes, Joanne and Heyman, Anna (2019) Using Action Research to Capture the Personal Journey of Flipping a Classroom. SAGE, online.
Smailes, Joanne and Heyman, Anna (2018) Flipping Heck! How can we engage students in the lecture experience? In: SEDA Spring Conference 2018, 10-11 May 2018, Leeds.
Smailes, Joanne and Heyman, Anna (2018) Should we mention the F word: A personal journey of action research investigating flipped learning with large cohorts. In: CABS Learning, teaching and student experience conference, 24-25 April 2018, Glasgow.
Smailes, Joanne (2014) Natives and Immigrants – How can the improvement of “digital literacy” be actioned. In: 19th Annual SEDA Conference - Staff and Educational Development Association, 13-14 November 2014, Learning and Conference Centre Nottingham.
Quan, Rose, Smailes, Joanne and Fraser, Walter (2013) The transition experiences of direct entrants from overseas higher education partners into UK universities. Teaching in Higher Education, 18 (4). pp. 414-426. ISSN 1356-2517
Smailes, Joanne, Lejk, Emma, Beautyman, Wendy and Tudor, Jenna (2012) "Learning the ropes" through a new approach to mentoring. In: 9th ALDinHE Conference “Learning Development in a digital age”, 2-4 April 2012, University of Leeds.
Smailes, Joanne and Lejk, Emma (2012) Is virtual mentoring the way forward? In: What Works? Student Retention and Success Conference 2012, 28th-29th March 2012, York University, UK.
Smailes, Joanne and Fontainha, Elsa (2011) Academic Adjustment: a pilot to assess the potential of a virtual mentoring scheme. In: Proceedings of the 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-1457714870
Smailes, Joanne and Fontainha, Elsa (2011) A model for utilizing social networking for academic adjustment purposes. In: 15th Biennial of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching, 5-8 July 2011, Braga, Portugal.
Smailes, Joanne (2011) Social networking and academic adjustment. In: Northumbria Research Conference, 5-6 May 2011, Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Smailes, Joanne and Warne, Natalie (2011) Social networking, examining its potential for student support. In: North East Universities (3 Rivers Consortium) 2011 Regional Learning and Teaching Conference, 12 April 2011, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2011) Peer mentoring in assisting retention – is a virtual form of support a viable alternative? ALT Journal: Research in Learning Technology, 19 (2). pp. 129-142. ISSN 0968-7769
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2010) Diverse student needs : the challenge of teaching international students. A Business School case study. In: Improving Student Learning : Diversity and Inclusivity. Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development. ISBN 1873576722
Sorensen, Christine and Smailes, Joanne (2010) Transferring small group assessment practice to large group situations. In: BMAF Annual Conference 2010: Assessment & Assessment Standards: Challenges for Business Education, 20-21 April 2010, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Smailes, Joanne and Crumbley, Julie (2010) Virtual Peer Mentoring: how this can be utilised to promote assessment for learning. In: BMAF Annual Conference 2010: Assessment & Assessment Standards: Challenges for Business Education, 20-21 April 2010, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Smailes, Joanne and Sorensen, Christine (2010) Assessment in a large group context. In: The 3rd Regional Learning and Teaching Conference (3 Rivers Consortium), 30 March 2010, Sunderland University, Sunderland.
Smailes, Joanne, Crumbley, Julie and Fontainha, Elsa (2010) Pilot to investigate peer mentoring in a virtual format. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Society. International Association for Development of the Information Society, Avila, Spain. ISBN 978-9728939076
Smailes, Joanne, Hart, David and Crumbley, Julie (2010) Peer Mentoring-a pilot study to compare the viability of two virtual environments for student support. In: Northumbria Conference 2010, 9 September 2010, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2009) Technology and its role in supporting student communities of practice. In: 14th Annual SEDA Conference 2009, 'Changing Educational Development: New ideas, New Approaches and New Contexts', 17-18 November 2009, Aston Business School Conference Centre, Birmingham.
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2009) Student communities of practice: what virtual models can engage and address the needs of a diverse student environment. In: iPED 2009, 4th International Inquiring Pedagogies Conference, 14-15 September 2009, Coventry.
Smailes, Joanne, Conniss, Lynne, Gannon-Leary, Pat and Burton, Lisa (2009) Learners informing teaching. In: 2nd Institutional Research Conference: Building a Community for Institutional Research in the UK and Ireland, 8-9 July 2009, Sheffield Hallam University.
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2009) Peer mentoring in assisting retention : "Is a virtual form of support a viable alternative?". In: European First Year Experience Conference, 13-15 May 2009, University of Groningen.
Gannon-Leary, Pat, Smailes, Joanne, Crane, Rosie and Sorensen, Christine (2009) Collection of teaching tips/advice to new higher education lecturers. Red Guide, 55 . Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ISBN 9781861354440
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2009) RECAP Paper 29: Peer Mentoring: Is there a place for it and how should it look? A Northumbria case study. RECAP Papers, 29 . Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. ISBN 9781861354495
Gannon-Leary, Pat and Smailes, Joanne (2009) Red Guide 56: Conference tips: Getting the most out of your conference experience. Red Guides, 56 . Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. ISBN 9781861354457
Smailes, Joanne, Dordoy, Alan and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2009) Red Guide 61: The Peer Support Scheme. Red Guides, 61 . Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. ISBN 9781861354532
Gannon-Leary, Pat and Smailes, Joanne (2009) Red guides paper 58. Peer Mentoring: what students want to know. Red Guides, 58 . Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. ISBN 9781861354501
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2008) Have we got it Right? International Students Views on Inclusive Teaching and Learning Practices. In: BMAF Internationalisation SIG Workshop, 13 November 2008, Paisley.
Smailes, Joanne, Gannon-Leary, Pat, Laing, Christopher and Conniss, Lynne (2008) Virtual mentor: An innovation in student support. In: Making Connections Conference 2008, 6 November 2008, London.
Smailes, Joanne (2008) Assessment for learning. In: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2008, 14 May 2008, York.
McDowell, Liz, Smailes, Joanne, Sambell, Kay, Sambell, Alistair and Wakelin, Delia (2008) Evaluating assessment strategies through collaborative evidence‐based practice: can one tool fit all? Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45 (2). pp. 143-153. ISSN 1470-3297
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2008) Have we got it right? A case study on international student views of inclusive teaching and learning at Northumbria. International Journal of Management Education, 7 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 1472-8117
Smailes, Joanne, Gannon-Leary, Pat, Shrives, Philip and Watson, Cate (2008) Is peer mentoring a feasible form of student support: the student perspective. In: Northumbria conference 2008: A World of Difference?, 9 September 2008, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Gannon-Leary, Pat and Smailes, Joanne (2008) RECAP Paper 21: Have we got it right? A case study on international student views of inclusive teaching and learning at Northumbria. RECAP Papers, 21 . Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN 9781861354273
Turnock, Chris, Smailes, Joanne and Thompson, Jamie (2008) Red Guide Paper 42: Managing a Module Part 1: Delivering a Module. Red Guides, 42 . Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. ISBN 9781861351883
Gannon-Leary, Pat, Watson, Cate and Smailes, Joanne (2007) Virtual peer mentoring: can we create a community of peer-supported learners? In: Cognition and exploratory learning in digital age conference (CELDA 2007),International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), 7-9 December 2007, Algarve, Portugal.
Gannon-Leary, Pat and Smailes, Joanne (2007) From English to undergraduate: the international student experience. In: International Conference on Foreign Language Education, 24-26 May 2007, Istanbul.
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2007) Inclusive approaches in learning and teaching. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 9 (1). pp. 37-47. ISSN 1466-6529
Smailes, Joanne (2006) Engaging students in the assessment process. In: Presentation at University of Nottingham, 18 October 2006, Nottingham.
Smailes, Joanne, Montgomery, Catherine and Wakelin, Delia (2006) Cultural implications of learning styles. In: Improving student learning through teaching: the 14th Improving Student Learning Symposium, 4-6 September 2013, University of Bath, Bath.
Smailes, Joanne (2006) Assessment for learning in practice. In: HEA Conference 2006 - Enhancing the student learning experience, 3-5 July 2006, Nottingham.
McDowell, Liz, Gibson, Mel, Penlington, Roger, Robinson, Jon, Sambell, Kay and Smailes, Joanne (2006) Putting assessment for learning into practice. In: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference, 3 July - 5 July 2006, Nottingham.
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2006) Diversity, what’s the problem? Considering barriers to learning. In: 4th Annual Conference on Teaching & Learning, 8-9 June 2006, Galway.
Smailes, Joanne and Gannon-Leary, Pat (2006) Inclusive approaches in a diverse community. In: 1st Pedagogical Research in Higher Education (PRHE) conference- 'Pedagogical Research: Enhancing student success', 2-3 May 2006, Liverpool.
Smailes, Joanne (2006) Problem subject? : reconsider your approach to computer based assessment : a case in business modelling. In: 1st Pedagogical Research in Higher Education (PRHE) conference - 'Pedagogical Research : Enhancing student success', 2-3 May 2006, Liverpool.
Irons, Alastair and Smailes, Joanne (2006) Development of formative feedback model to enhance student learning. In: Assessment for excellence: the 3rd Biennial Northumbria/EARLI SIG Assessment Conference, 30 August - 1 September 2006, Redworth Hall, County Durham, UK.
Rowe, Gill and Smailes, Joanne (2006) Re-examining the clarity of assessment processes: a case study in design. In: Assessment for excellence: the 3rd Biennial Northumbria/EARLI SIG Assessment Conference, 30 August - 1 September 2006, Redworth Hall, County Durham, UK.
Smailes, Joanne, Arnott, Graeme, Hall, Chris, Gannon-Leary, Pat and Charity, Ian (2006) The truth about assessment and can it be used to influence policy and practice? In: Assessment for excellence: the 3rd Biennial Northumbria/EARLI SIG Assessment Conference, 30 August - 1 September 2006, Redworth Hall, County Durham, UK.
Smailes, Joanne (2005) Cultural Diversity Workshop. In: Cultural Diversity Workshop, October 2005, London Metropolitan University.
Smailes, Joanne and Orr, Susan (2005) Managing assessment : student and staff perspectives.
Gannon-Leary, Pat and Smailes, Joanne (2004) Students with dyslexia: research projects at Northumbria University. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 6 (2). pp. 15-24. ISSN 1466-6529