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Adams, Roderick (2017) WorkHouse Design: A pilot research project. In: REDO Cumulus Conference Proceedings 2017. Design School Kolding, Kolding.

Adams, Roderick and Stone, Sally (2017) The WorkHouse Project: Facilitating Telecommuting through Improved Design of Architecture, Interiors, and Technology. In: Spaces & Flows: Eighth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, 12-13 October 2017, Hull.

Adams, Roderick and Zhang, Joe (2017) Work Narrative - an unfolding exposition of design and simplicity. In: Smart Workspace Design Summit 2016, 7th - 8th April 2016, Amsterdam.

Aftab, Mersha and James, Alana (2017) People as an essential tool for considering ethics in the product lifecycle. In: Design Management Academy Conference 2017, 7th - 9th June 2017, Hong Kong, China.

Aftab, Mersha and Rusli, Helen A. (2017) Designing Visceral, Behavioural and Reflective Products. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30 (5). pp. 1058-1068. ISSN 1000-9345

Aldington, Clair (2017) The Role of the Arts and Gifting in the Restorative Process. In: Restorative Imagination: Artistic Pathways. European Forum for Restorative Justice, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 54-63.


Barron, Lee (2017) Tattoo Culture: Theory and Contemporary Contexts. Rowman & Littlefield, London and New York. ISBN 9781783488261

Blackwell, Alan, Blythe, Mark and Kaye, Jofish (2017) Undisciplined disciples: everything you always wanted to know about ethnomethodology but were afraid to ask Yoda. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 21 (3). pp. 571-592. ISSN 1617-4909

Blythe, Mark (2017) Research Fiction. In: CHI '17 - Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, pp. 5400-5411. ISBN 9781450346559

Brueggemann, Manu J., Strohmayer, Angelika, Marshall, Matthew, Birbeck, Nataly and Thomas, Vanessa (2017) Reflexive Practices for the Future of Design Education: An Exercise in Ethno-Empathy. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1). S1260-S1269. ISSN 1460-6925


Carey, Daniel, Tennant, Andy, Rodgers, Paul and Dodd, Katie (2017) User-Designed Dementia Care Pathways. A disruptive approach to mapping dementia support services. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1). S2534-S2550. ISSN 1460-6925

Chatting, David, Kirk, David, Durrant, Abigail, Elsden, Chris, Yurman, Paulina and Bichard, Jo-Anne (2017) Making Ritual Machines: The Mobile Phone as a Networked Material for Research Products. In: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017), 7th - 11th May 2017, Denver.

Cockton, Gilbert (2017) Creative Worthwhile Interaction Design. In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '17. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 1192-1195. ISBN 978-1-4503-4656-6

Cockton, Gilbert (2017) New Process, New Vocabulary: Axiofact = A_tefact + Memoranda. In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '17. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 747-757. ISBN 978-1-4503-4656-6


Davidson, Neil, Vines, John, Bartindale, Tom, Sutton, Selina, Green, David, Comber, Rob, Balaam, Madeline, Olivier, Patrick and Vance, Gillian (2017) Supporting Self-Care of Adolescents with Nut Allergy Through Video and Mobile Educational Tools. In: Proceedings of CHI 2017. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 1078-1092. ISBN 978-1-4503-4655-9

Deesomboon, Belle, Morehead, Sarah and Oliver, Raymond (2017) Physical & Digital Materialisation - Reverse Pattern Cutting: From 3D to 2D and back again. In: Advanced Functional Materials, 4-6 August 2017, Los Angeles.

Dow, Andy, Vines, John, Lowe, Toby, Comber, Rob and Wilson, Rob (2017) What Happens to Digital Feedback?: Studying the Use of a Feedback Capture Platform by Care Organisations. In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: May 6-11, 2017, Denver, CO, USA. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 5813-5825. ISBN 9781450346559

Durrant, Abigail, Kirk, David, Trujillo-Pisanty, Diego, Moncur, Wendy, Orzech, Kathryn, Schofield, Tom, Elsden, Chris, Chatting, David and Monk, Andrew (2017) Transitions in digital personhood: Online activity in early retirement. In: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017), 6th - 11th May 2017, Denver.

Durrant, Abigail, Kirk, David, Wallace, Jayne, Bowen, Simon, Reeves, Stuart and Ljungblad, Sara (2017) Problems in Practice: Understanding Design Research by Critiquing Cases. In: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017), 6th - 11th May 2017, Denver.

Durrant, Abigail, Vines, John, Wallace, Jayne and Yee, Joyce (2017) Research Through Design: Twenty-First Century Makers and Materialities. Design Issues, 33 (3). pp. 3-10. ISSN 0747-9360


EL-Qirem, Fuad and Cockton, Gilbert (2017) Designing Culturally Appropriate Responses to Culturally Influenced Computer Usage Behaviors. In: AHFE 2017 - International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 17th - 21st July 2017, Los Angeles, USA.

Elmansy, Rafiq (2017) Developing Professional iPhone Photography: Using Photoshop, Lightroom, and other iOS and Desktop Apps to Create and Edit Photos. Apress. ISBN 9781484231852

Elsden, Chris, O'Kane, Aisling, Marshall, Paul, Durrant, Abigail, Fleck, Rowanne, Rooksby, John and Lupton, Deborah (2017) Quantified Data & Social Relationships. In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '17. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 644-651. ISBN 978-1-4503-4656-6

Elsden, Christopher, Chatting, David, Durrant, Abigail, Garbett, Andrew, Nissen, Bettina, Vines, John and Kirk, David (2017) On Speculative Enactments. In: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2017), 7th - 11th May 2017, Denver.


Feltwell, Tom, Wood, Gavin, Linehan, Conor and Lawson, Shaun (2017) An Augmented Reality Game using Face Recognition Technology. In: DIS '17 - 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 10th - 14th June 2017, Edinburgh, UK.

Feltwell, Tom, Wood, Gavin, Long, Kiel, Brooker, Phillip, Schofield, Thomas, Petridis, Ioannis, Barnett, Julie, Vines, John and Lawson, Shaun (2017) “I’ve been manipulated!”: Designing Second Screen Experiences for Critical Viewing of Reality TV. In: Proceedings of CHI 2017. Association for Computing Machinery, New York. ISBN 978-1-4503-4655-9

Fisher, Austin and Walker, Johnny (2017) Italian horror cinema. Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, 5 (2). pp. 153-157. ISSN 2047-7368


Gaston, Elizabeth (2017) Crafted Futures: A Craft/Technology Collaboration. Journal of Textile Design and Research Practice, 5 (2). pp. 157-174. ISSN 2051-1787

Gaston, Elizabeth (2017) Crafted Futures: a craft/technology collaboration. In: Proceedings of Intersections: Collaborations in Textile Design Research Conference. Loughborough University, Loughborough, pp. 1-12.

Gaye, Lalya, Holmquist, Lars, Behrendt, Frauke and Tanaka, Atau (2017) 2006: Mobile Music Technology: Report on an Emerging Community. In: A NIME Reader: Fifteen Years of New Interfaces for Musical Expression. Current Research in Systematic Musicology (3). Springer, pp. 253-265. ISBN 9783319472133

Giaxoglou, Korina, Döveling, Katrin and Pitsillides, Stacey (2017) Networked Emotions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sharing Loss Online. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 61 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0883-8151

Gibson, Stephen (2017) Repurposed Interface, Repurposed Medium, Repurposed Content. Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference. pp. 535-551.

Gibson, Stephen, Love, Justin and Olson, Jim (2017) Grand Theft Bicycle. [Show/Exhibition]

Gilligan, Sarah (2017) Balenciaga: Shaping Fashion [Exhibition review]. Journal of Asia-Pacific Pop Culture, 2 (2). p. 238. ISSN 2380-7679

Gilligan, Sarah (2017) Sun, Sex, and Style in Smart Cinema: Tilda Swinton in A Bigger Splash (Luca Guadagnino, 2015). Fashion Theory, 21 (6). pp. 667-687. ISSN 1362-704X

Glover, Catherine (2017) The role of madoguchi in transnational fashion. International Journal of Fashion Studies, 4 (2). pp. 263-282. ISSN 2051-7106

Green, Mark (2017) Design interventions: Revealing, initiating, and sustaining communities of design practice within organisations. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Gribbin, John, Young, Robert and Aftab, Mersha (2017) Understanding the dynamics of attitudes within a design and business focused collaboration. Strategic Design Research Journal, 10 (2). pp. 126-133. ISSN 1984-2988

Guan, Congying (2017) Prototyping a novel apparel recommendation system: A feasibility study. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.


Hanna, Julian, Auger, James and Encinas, Enrique (2017) Reconstrained Design: A Manifesto. In: DIS '17 - 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 10th - 14th June 2017, Edinburgh, UK.

Harley, , Laing, Mary, Campbell, Del and Strohmayer, Angelika (2017) TransActions: A Project with Trans Sex Workers. Project Report. Newcastle University.

Harrison, Daniel, Banks, Richard, Regan, Tim and Grayson, Martin (2017) Presenting Physical Things Digitally: New Collecting Practices. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial Research Through Design Conference, 22-24 March 2017, Edinburgh, UK. RTD, pp. 389-405.

Heslop, Philip, Preston, Anne E., Reid, Anna and Kharrufa, Ahmed (2017) Students’ Perceptions of Learning Processes as Co-Authors of Digital Tabletop Activities. Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017) (HCI). ISSN 1477-9358

Hewitt, Ian, Parkinson, David and Hilton, Kevin (2017) Animation as a Creative Tool: Insights into the Complex. In: IASDR 2017 Design Research Conference, 31st October 2017 - 3rd November 2017, Cincinnati.

Hills, Matt and Sexton, Jamie (2017) Editorial Introduction: The multiplicities of transnational cult – intersecting with(in) reason [Editorial]. Transnational Cinemas, 8 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2040-3526

Holgate, Peter, Mullan, Mura, Franklin, Stuart, Darbyshire, Jane and Trueman, Julie (2017) Designing with care: Hospice design since 1980. In: Proceedings of Professional Practices in the Built Environment. University of Reading. ISBN 9780704915725

Yahoo Inc [US] (2017) 3-dimensional augmented reality markers. US201414195668 20140303.

Holmquist, Lars (2017) Intelligence on tap: Artificial Intelligence as a New Design Material. interactions, 24 (4). pp. 28-33. ISSN 1072-5520

Yahoo Inc [US] (2017) Gestures for sharing content between multiple devices. US 9729591 B2.


Irwin, Mary (2017) Civilisation and the Rise of the Television Blockbuster Documentary. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 14 (3). pp. 361-376. ISSN 1743-4521


James, Alana and Montgomery, Bruce (2017) Engaging the fashion consumer in a transparent business model. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 10 (3). pp. 287-299. ISSN 1754-3266

James, Alana and Montgomery, Bruce (2017) Making the Change: The Consumer Adoption of Sustainable Fashion. In: Detox Fashion. Springer, pp. 47-84. ISBN 9789811047763

Johnson, Ian G, McDonald, Alistair, Briggs, Jo, Manuel, Jennifer, Salt, Karen, Flynn, Emma and Vines, John (2017) Community Conversational: Supporting and Capturing Deliberative Talk in Local Consultation Processes. In: CHI 2017. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 2320-2333. ISBN 978-1-4503-4655-9

Jung, Sebin, Meng, Hong-Ying and Qin, Sheng-feng (2017) Exploring Challenges in Developing a Smart and Effective Assistive System for Improving the Experience of the Elderly Drivers. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30 (5). pp. 1133-1149. ISSN 1000-9345

Jung, Sebin, Meng, Hongying and Qin, Sheng-feng (2017) Creating a smart application system to provide a beneficial maintenance service for elderly drivers. MATEC Web of Conferences, 119. 01045. ISSN 2261-236X


Kyffin, Steven, Aftab, Mersha and Spencer, Nick (2017) Social Value Creation through Multidisciplinary Design Education. In: IASDR 2017 Design Research Conference, 31st October - 3rd November 2017, Cincinnati.


Leggott, James (2017) Fair do’s: Tom Hadaway and the regional voice in 1970s British television. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 37 (4). pp. 683-702. ISSN 0143-9685

Leishman, Donna (2017) Narcissist reconfigured. In: ILLUSTRATION et IDENTITÉ(S) / ILLUSTRATING IDENTITY-IES, 8-10th November 2017, Université de Lorraine, Nancy.

Light, Ann and Briggs, Jo (2017) Crowdfunding Platforms and the Design of Paying Publics. In: CHI 2017. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 797-809. ISBN 978-1-4503-4655-9

Long, Kiel, Bakewell, Lyndsey, McNaney, Roisin, Vasileiou, Konstantina, Atkinson, Mark, Barreto, Manuela, Barnett, Julie, Wilson, Mike, Lawson, Shaun and Vines, John (2017) Connecting Those That Care: Designing for Transitioning, Talking, Belonging and Escaping. In: Proceedings of CHI 2017. Association for Computing Machinery, New York. ISBN 978-1-4503-4655-9

Long, Kiel, Vines, John, Sutton, Selina, Brooker, Phillip, Feltwell, Tom, Kirman, Ben, Barnett, Julie and Lawson, Shaun (2017) “Could You Define That in Bot Terms?”: Requesting, Creating and Using Bots on Reddit. In: Proceedings of CHI 2017. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 3488-3500. ISBN 978-1-4503-4655-9

Luscombe, Philip (2017) What's A Mallet For: A Woodworker's Critique of The Workmanship of Risk. In: RTD2017 - Research Through Design Conference 2017, 22nd - 24th March 2017, Scotland, UK.


Ma, Xiao-Jie, Ding, Guo-Fu, Qin, Sheng-feng, Li, Rong, Yan, Kai-Yin, Xiao, Shou-Ne and Yang, Guang-Wu (2017) Transforming Multidisciplinary Customer Requirements to Product Design Specifications. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30 (5). pp. 1069-1080. ISSN 1000-9345

Manohar, Arthi and Briggs, Jo (2017) Designing Games for Understanding and Enabling Distributed Trust. In: Creative and inventive methods in CSCW research – drawing from design techniques, 28th August - 1st September 2017, Sheffield, UK.

Marshall, Justin (2017) Berlin Tapes: A conversation between Jayne Wallace, Jon Rogers and Justin Marshall. In: Unbox Caravan - Field Notes: The Craft Edition. Dundee University Visual Research Centre, pp. 31-41. ISBN 9781899837760

Marshall, Justin (2017) Evolutionary Craft. In: Ding: A Magazine about the internet and things. Dundee University, pp. 60-64. ISBN 1899837779

Marshall, Justin (2017) Localized tools for local contexts. In: The Craft Edition. Unbox-Field notes . Dundee University's Visual Research Centre, Dundee, pp. 64-72. ISBN 9781899837760

Marshall, Justin (2017) Why craft? In: Unbox Caravan - Field Notes: The Craft Edition. Dundee University, pp. 41-43. ISBN 9781899837760

Marshall, Justin and Rossi, Catharine (2017) Making with China: Craft-based Participatory Research Methods for Investigating Shenzhen’s Maker Movement. Digital Culture & Society, 3 (1). pp. 127-138. ISSN 2364-2122

Marshall, Justin and Wallace, Jayne (2017) Thinking through Making. In: Unbox Caravan - Field Notes: The Craft Edition. Dundee University, pp. 78-84. ISBN 9781899837760

Mason, Marco (2017) User Experience Design. In: The Manual of Digital Museum Planning. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland. ISBN 9781442278950, 9781442278967, 9781442278974

McNaney, Roisin, Vines, John, Welsh, Daniel, Mercer, Jamie, Mexter, Leon and Young, Tony (2017) DemYouth: Co-Designing and Enacting Tools to Support Young People’s Engagement with People with Dementia. In: CHI 2017, 6th - 11th May 2017, Colorado, USA.

Meissner, Janis, Vines, John, McLaughlin, Janice, Nappey, Thomas, Maksimova, Jekaterina and Wright, Peter (2017) Do-It-Yourself Empowerment as Experienced by Novice Makers with Disabilities. In: DIS 2017 - Designing Interactive Systems, 10th - 14th June, Edinburgh, UK.

Mitchell, Robb, Nishida, Jun, Encinas, Enrique and Kasahara, Shunichi (2017) We-Coupling! In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction - TEI '17. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 775-780. ISBN 978-1-4503-4676-4

Moreno-Esparza, Gabriel and Martinez Tellez, Rosa Angelica (2017) Visualizing Simultaneity in Diasporic Public Spheres: The Case of the Mexican Diaspora in the U.S. Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, 11. pp. 23-40. ISSN 2049-2340

Mullan, Mura, Trueman, Julie and Holgate, Peter (2017) Designing with care: hospice design since 1980. In: 3rd European Healthcare Design Congress and Exhibition, 11-14 June 2017, London.


Nissen, Bettina, Symons, Kate, Tallyn, Ella, Speed, Chris, Maxwell, Deborah and Vines, John (2017) New Value Transactions: Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations. In: DIS '17 - 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 10th - 14th June 2017, Edinburgh, UK.

Niu, Xiaojing and Qin, Sheng-feng (2017) A review of crowdsourcing technology for product design and development. In: 2017 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5090-5040-6


Orzech, Kathryn, Moncur, Wendy, Durrant, Abigail, James, Stuart and Collomosse, John (2017) Digital photographic practices as expressions of personhood and identity: variations across school leavers and recent retirees. Visual Studies, 32 (4). pp. 313-328. ISSN 1472-586X

Othman, Mohammad, Amaral, Telmo, McNaney, Roisin, Smeddinck, Jan, Vines, John and Olivier, Patrick (2017) CrowdEyes: Crowdsourcing for Robust Real-World Mobile Eye Tracking. In: MobileHCI 2017, 4th - 7th September 2017, Vienna, Austria.


Parkinson, David (2017) How Does Storytelling Unlock the Potentialities of Communities; The Design-Client Relationship. In: Pearl Diver: The Designer as Storyteller. Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, pp. 136-143. ISBN 9788894167368

Parkinson, David and Warwick, Laura (2017) Stimulating Thinking at the Design Pitch: Storytelling Approach and Impact. The Design Journal, 20 (Sup 1). S4509-S4518. ISSN 1460-6965

Pinkney, Mike (2017) Introducing Graphic Design students to issues of Social, Physical and geographical disadvantage. In: iJADE Conference 2017 : Art and Design as Agent for Change, 17th - 18th November 2017, Chester.

Putri, Medeirasari, Aftab, Mersha, Bailey, Mark and Spencer, Nick (2017) Exploring Design Specific Factors For Building Longer Term Industry Relationships. In: 7th International Congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR), 1-3 November 2017, Cincinnati.


Qin, Sheng-feng (2017) Transforming Emotional Design Principles Into Innovative Product Development Platform Design. In: 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 25 February - 1 March 2017, Portland.

Qin, Sheng-feng and Cheng, Kai (2017) Future Digital Design and Manufacturing: Embracing Industry 4.0 and Beyond. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30 (5). pp. 1047-1049. ISSN 1000-9345

Qin, Sheng-feng and Cheng, Kai (2017) Special Issue on Future Digital Design and Manufacturing: Embracing Industry 4.0 and Beyond-Part II [Editorial]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30 (5). pp. 1045-1046. ISSN 1000-9345


Ragnedda, Massimo (2017) The Third Digital Divide: A Weberian approach to digital inequalities. Routledge Advances in Sociology . Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781472471260

Ragnedda, Massimo and Ruiu, Maria (2017) UK General Election 2015: dealing with austerity. School of Arts and Cultures (Online) Working Papers. ISSN 2399-8725

Rojas, Fernando, English, Stuart, Young, Robert and Spencer, Nick (2017) A design-relevant mindfulness device. In: EAD12 2017 | Design for Next, 12-14 April 2017, Rome, Italy.

Rojas, Fernando, English, Stuart, Young, Robert and Spencer, Nick (2017) A design-relevant mindfulness device. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1). S767-S780. ISSN 1460-6925

Ruiu, Maria and Ragnedda, Massimo (2017) Empowering local communities through collective grassroots actions: The case of “No Al Progetto Eleonora” in the Arborea District (OR, Sardinia). The Communication Review, 20 (1). pp. 50-67. ISSN 1071-4421


Sampson, Ellen (2017) Creases, Crumples, and Folds: Maps of Experience and Manifestations of Wear. The Fashion Studies Journal (3).

Scott, Jane and Gaston, Elizabeth (2017) Inflection: assembling interdisciplinary material knowledge using knitted fabric construction. In: Proceedings of Intersections: Collaborations in Textile Design Research Conference. Loughborough University, Loughborough, pp. 1-13.

Surfaceskins Limited; Scott-Harden, Simon; Russell, Stephen; Fowler, Christopher; Neill, Steven (2017) Liquid or gel delivery devices. (WO/PCT). WO/2017/001532.

Surfaceskins Limited; Scott-Harden, Simon; Russell, Stephen; Fowler, Christopher; Walker, Adam (2017) Delivery device. (BR). WO2013167746A3.

Scott-Harden, Simon and Salem, Ben (2017) A Baby Monitor as a Shape-Changing Interface. In: British HCI: Digital Make Believe, 3-6 July 2017, Sunderland.

Scown, Phillip, Adams, Roderick and Stone, Sally (2017) A pilot study of homeworking: WorkHouse. In: 22nd Annual Conference of the UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS 2017), 3-5 April 2017, Oxford.

Sewell, Trevor (2017) Calling Nashville: An Americana Adventure. [Composition]

Sewell, Trevor and Ian, Janis (2017) Fade To Grey: Extended Version. [Composition]

Sewell, Trevor and Ian, Janis (2017) Fade To Grey: Radio Mix. [Composition]

Sexton, Jamie (2017) The allure of otherness: transnational cult film fandom and the exoticist assumption. Transnational Cinemas, 8 (1). pp. 5-19. ISSN 2040-3526

Smith, Neil, Inoue, Shiro, Spencer, Nick and Tennant, Andy (2017) Creative puzzlement: how deconstructing elements of object facilitates industrial design student’s imagination. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1). S859-S874. ISSN 1460-6925

Spencer, Nick, Bailey, Mark, Smith, Neil, Davidson, Jenny and Sams, Phil (2017) What on earth is responsible innovation anyway? (And how to teach it). In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. The Design Society, pp. 38-43. ISBN 9781904670841

Strohmayer, Angelika and Meissner, Janis (2017) "We had tough times, but we've sort of sewn our way through it": the partnership quilt. XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students, 24 (2). pp. 48-51. ISSN 1528-4972

Strohmayer, Angelika, Meissner, Janis and Charlton, Sarah (2017) The Red Umbrella March: Crafting a Living Activist Archive. Project Report. Newcastle University, online.

Strohmayer, Angelika, Meissner, Janis and Donaldson, Kirsty (2017) The Partnership Quilt: Project Report. Project Report. Newcastle University, online.


Talhouk, Reem, Bartindale, T., Montague, K., Mesmar, S., Akik, C., Ghassani, A., Najem, M., Ghattas, H., Olivier, P. and Balaam, M. (2017) Implications of Synchronous IVR Radio on Syrian Refugee Health and Community Dynamics. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies. ACM, New York, pp. 193-202. ISBN 9781450348546

Taylor, Nick, Clarke, Loraine and Gorkovenko, Katerina (2017) Community Inventor Days. In: 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems.

Tjahja, Cyril, Yee, Joyce and Aftab, Mersha (2017) Objects of Design: Activity Theory as an analytical framework for Design and Social Innovation. In: DMA 2017 - The Design Management Academy Conference, 7th - 9th June 2017, Hong Kong, China.

Trueman, Julie, Holgate, Peter and Mullen, Mura (2017) Designing with Care: Hospice Design. In: Building Knowledge: Pathways to Post Occupancy Evaluation. RIBA, pp. 34-37. ISBN 9780704915718


Vasilchenko, Anna, Green, David, Qarabash, Haneen, Preston, Anne, Bartindale, Tom and Balaam, Madeline (2017) Media Literacy as a By-Product of Collaborative Video Production by CS Students. In: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education - ITiCSE '17. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 58-63. ISBN 978-1-4503-4704-4

Vasileiou, Konstantina, Barnett, Julie, Barreto, Manuela, Vines, John, Atkinson, Mark, Lawson, Shaun and Wilson, Michael (2017) Experiences of Loneliness Associated with Being an Informal Caregiver: A Qualitative Investigation. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. ISSN 1664-1078

Vavoula, Giasemi and Mason, Marco (2017) Digital exhibition design: boundary crossing, Intermediary Design Deliverables and processes of consent. Museum Management and Curatorship, 32 (3). pp. 251-271. ISSN 0964-7775

Vines, John, McNaney, Róisín, Holden, Amey, Poliakov, Ivan, Wright, Peter and Olivier, Patrick (2017) Our Year With the Glass: Expectations, Letdowns and Ethical Dilemmas of Technology Trials With Vulnerable People. Interacting with Computers, 29 (1). pp. 27-44. ISSN 0953-5438

Vyas, Pratik (2017) Inter-disciplinary study of team-work during design for social innovation projects. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.


Walker, Johnny (2017) Rewind, playback: re-viewing the "video boom" in Britain. In: The Routledge Companion to British Cinema History. Taylor & Francis, Abingdon. ISBN 9780415706193

Walker, Johnny (2017) Video nicies: re-thinking the relationship between video entertainment and children in Britain during the early 1980s. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 37 (4). pp. 630-648. ISSN 0143-9685

Wallace, Jayne, Rogers, Jon, Foster, Joanna, Kingsley, Sean, Koulidou, Nantia, Shorter, Erika, Shorter, Mike and Trotman, Natasha (2017) Scribing as Seen from the Inside: The Ethos of the Studio. Design Issues, 33 (3). pp. 93-103. ISSN 0747-9360

Warwick, Laura (2017) Designing Trust: the importance of relationships in social contexts. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1). S3096-S3105. ISSN 1460-6925

Warwick, Laura and Young, Robert (2017) The Extent of Transformation: Measuring the Impact of Design in Voluntary Community Sector Organisations. In: International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) 5th World Conference on Design Research, October 31 - November 3, 2017, Cincinnati, USA.

Waycott, Jenny, Munteanu, Cosmin, Davis, Hilary, Thieme, Anja, Branham, Stacy, Moncur, Wendy, McNaney, Roisin and Vines, John (2017) Ethical Encounters in HCI: Implications for Research in Sensitive Settings. In: Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI EA '17. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 518-525. ISBN 978-1-4503-4656-6

Wood, Dave (2017) A Semiotic Rosetta Stone: Developing a Designer-centric Meta-language of Pragmatic Semiotics. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1). S28-S37. ISSN 1460-6925


Yee, Joyce (2017) The researcherly designer/the designerly researcher. In: Practice-based Design Research. Bloomsbury, London, UK. ISBN 9781474267816

Yee, Joyce, Akama, Yoko, Lawson, Ryley and Tjahja, Cyril (2017) Design and Social Innovation Research Network: Bridging the UK and Asia-Pacific Practices. Project Report. DESIAP Research Network.

Yee, Joyce, Jefferies, Emma and Michlewski, Kamil (2017) Transformations: 7 Roles to Drive Change by Design. BIS Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ISBN 9789063694579

Young, Robert (2017) Service Design and the Edge Effect. In: Designing for Service. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 133-146. ISBN 9781474250139

Young, Robert, Lievesley, Matthew, Warwick, Laura and Oleary, David (2017) The para-disciplinary role of Design transforming innovation in organisations. In: Design Management Academy Conference 2017, 7th - 9th June 2017, Hong Kong, China.


Zhang, Hai-Zhu, Ding, Guo-Fu, Li, Rong, Qin, Sheng-feng and Yan, Kai-Yin (2017) Design Change Model for Effective Scheduling Change Propagation Paths. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30 (5). pp. 1081-1090. ISSN 1000-9345

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