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Abdulkader, Fatuma (2019) Exploring Saudi EFL teachers’ and learners’ perceptions regarding the application of communicative language teaching (CLT) in the English language classroom. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Adams, Roderick (2012) Habitual Habitation. In: Interior Educators International Conference, 29-30 March 2012, Ravensbourne, London.

Aftab, Mersha (2013) Gaining better understanding of international community of students. In: Northumbria Staff Conference, 3rd - 4th July 2013, Northumbria University.

Aftab, Mersha, Bailey, Mark, Jeffs, Chris and Spencer, Nick (2015) Three-Stages of Learning: Team-based Reflection for Improvement in the Performance of Multidisciplinary Teams. The International Journal of Design Education, 8 (3-4). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2325-128X

Aftab, Mersha, Spencer, Nick, Bailey, Mark, Jeffs, Chris, Smith, Neil, Stalker, Brenda and Sams, Phil (2015) A multidisciplinary approach to innovation. In: The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards 2015: An Anthology of Case Histories. Academic Conferences and Publishing International, Reading, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781910810538

Agius Ferrante, Charmaine (2012) A case study of inclusion and diversity: a whole school approach using the social model of disability. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Ahmed, Wasim (2017) Using Twitter as a data source: an overview of social media research tools (updated for 2017). London School of Economics, online.

Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola (2019) The Nature of Truth in Research Through Lenses of Three Modes –Theory, Practice, and Mixture of both with Innovations. International journal of entrepreneurship management innovation and development, 3 (1). pp. 45-60. ISSN 2516-3051

Alawad, Abeer (2011) What Art Classroom and Social Factors Influence Perceptions of Creative Thinking and Practices of Adolescent Girls in Saudi Arabia? Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Almadani, Khaled, Reid, Norman and Rodrigues, Susan (2011) Quality assurance: a pressing problem for education in the 21st century. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 32. pp. 9-16. ISSN 1822-7864

Armistead, Josephine Louise (2009) A study of children's perspectives on the quality of their experiences in early years provision. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Atkins, Liz (2014) Learning on the margins: experiencing low level VET programmes in a UK context. In: AVETRA 2014 : 17th Annual Conference: Informing Changes in VET Policy and Practice: The Central Role of Research, 22-24 April 2014, Surfers Paradise.

Atkins, Liz (2005) Researching ‘with’ not ‘on’: Engaging Foundation GNVQ students in the research process - emerging themes from the study. In: British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 16 September 2005, University of Glamorgan.

Atkins, Liz (2005) Researching ‘with’ not ‘on’: Engaging Foundation GNVQ students in the research process - emerging themes from the study. In: Learning and Skills Development Agency Regional Conference, 2005, Nottingham.

Atkins, Liz (2013) Researching ‘with’, not ‘on’: engaging marginalised learners in the research process. Research in Post Compulsory Education, 18 (1-2). pp. 143-158. ISSN 1359-6748

Atkins, Liz and Wallace, Susan (2012) Qualitative research in education. BERA/SAGE Research Methods in Education . SAGE, London. ISBN 9781446208069

Aubin, Gary, Green, Sarah, James, Fliss, Kettlewell, Julie, Mulholland, Kirstin and Pritchard, Bob (2023) But what does it look like? The importance of exemplifying research in practice. Impact: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, Winter (17). pp. 10-11. ISSN 2514-6955

Avner, Zoe (2024) Poststructuralist Feminist Approaches in Sport Management Research. In: Handbook on Gender and Diversity in Sport Management. Taylor & Francis, London. ISBN 9781802203684


Bailey, Pam, Derbyshire, Julie, Harding, Anne, Middleton, Anne, Rayson, Karen and Syson, Lindy (2007) Assessing the impact of a study skills programme on the academic development of nursing diploma students at Northumbria University, UK. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 24 (s1). pp. 77-84. ISSN 1471-1842

Bailey, Richard (2009) Student writing and academic literacy development in higher education : an institutional case study. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Bainbridge, Jonathan and Sandford-Couch, Clare (2018) Legal History and Student Involvement in the Assessment Process. Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5 (1). pp. 259-278. ISSN 2313-3775

Barlow-Meade, Linda (2004) "Women's work" : an exploration of the impact of women's learning experiences on their life expectations and aspirations. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Baumfield, Vivienne M., Hall, Elaine, Higgins, Steven and Wall, Kate (2009) Catalytic tools: understanding the interaction of enquiry and feedback in teachers’ learning. European Journal of Teacher Education, 32 (4). pp. 423-435. ISSN 0261-9768

Beautyman, Wendy (2012) The road to information literacy: an ethnographic investigation into the cognitive and affective characteristics of key stage 2, primary school children. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Bell, David (2014) International student success – do the raw materials meet the specification? In: 7th Annual NE Universities (3 Rivers Consortium) Regional Learning and Teaching Conference 2014, 27th March 2014, Durham University. (Unpublished)

Bengtsson, Lyndsey (2020) Client newsletters within Clinical Legal Education and their value to the student participants. International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, 27 (2). pp. 103-134. ISSN 1467-1069

Beven, Peter (2011) Building motivation for learning. In: Building Motivation for Learning, 31 October 2011, Esher College, Surrey.

Beven, Peter (2012) Entrepreneurial spirit and career management skills. In: International Conference, 27 April 2012, Ellinogermaniki Agogi Scholi Panagea, Athens.

Beven, Peter (2012) Entrepreneurship Education and the World of Work. In: International Conference Copenhagen, 4-5 October 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Beven, Peter (2011) Guidance and counselling with mandated young people: motivation and resistance. In: Conference for Educational and Vocational Counsellors, 5 May 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Beven, Peter (2009) Learning through peer assessment: The league table approach. Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Beven, Peter, Hall, Denis and McCabe, Graham (2009) Scoping of a Regional 14-19 IAG Observatory: A report to Government Office for the North East. Discussion Paper. Denis Hall Associates, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Bishop, Alison and Swain, John (2006) Early years education and children with behavioural and emotional difficulties: Nurturing parental involvement? Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 5 (4). pp. 26-31. ISSN 1363-2752

Blackwood, Tony (2010) Metaknowledge in higher education : self-assessment accuracy and its association with academic achievement. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Blackwood, Tony (2009) Self-assessment of knowledge in Higher Education. EMERGE, 1. pp. 41-45.

Blackwood, Tony, Round, Anna, Pugalis, Lee and Hatt, Lucy (2015) Making sense of learning: insights from an experientially-based undergraduate entrepreneurship programme. Industry and Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 445-457. ISSN 0950-4222

Boadu, Mark and Sorour, Karim (2015) On utilizing grounded theory in business doctoral research: Guidance on the research design, procedures, and challenges. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 10. pp. 143-166. ISSN 1556-8881

Bramley, Emma, Holgate, Peter and Welch, Hollie (2015) Academic literacy and the transition to studying architecture. In: The North East Regional Three Rivers Conference, 27 March 2015, Sunderland.

Breckenridge, Jenna, Jones, Derek, Elliott, Ian and Nicol, Margaret (2012) Choosing a methodological path: reflections on the constructivist turn. Grounded Theory Review, 11 (1). pp. 64-71. ISSN 1556-1542

Brophy, Peter, Goodall, Deborah and Wynne, Peter (1996) Library services to distance learners : research and operational developments in a European context. In: Library services to distance learners in the Commonwealth : a report. Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver. ISBN 1895369479

Brown, James (2019) Preparation for Objective Structured Clinical Examination: A student perspective. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 29 (6). pp. 179-184. ISSN 1750-4589

Bryans, Patricia and Mavin, Sharon (2006) Visual images: a technique to surface conceptions of research and researchers. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 1 (2). pp. 113-128. ISSN 1746-5648

Burford, Bryan, Greig, Paul, Kelleher, Michael, Merriman, Clair, Platt, Alan, Richards, Elize, Davidson, Neil and Vance, Gill (2020) Effects of a single interprofessional simulation session on medical and nursing students’ attitudes toward interprofessional learning and professional identity: a questionnaire study. BMC Medical Education, 20 (1). p. 65. ISSN 1472-6920

Burns, Caroline and Foo, Martin (2011) 'International students’ perceptions of their global skills development: a collaborative approach. EMERGE, 3. pp. 25-42.

Burr, Viv, McGrane, Angela and King, Nigel (2017) Personal Construct Qualitative Methods. In: Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Springer, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-981-10-2779-6


Campbell, Elaine (2017) Should I Share My Journal Entry With You? A Critical Exploration of Relational Ethics in Autoethnography. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research, 6 (4). pp. 4-22. ISSN 2333-9489

Candy, Jenny, Rodrigo, Padmali and Turnbull, Sarah (2019) Exploring doctoral students’ expectations of work-based skills training. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 9 (3). pp. 403-417. ISSN 2042-3896

Carr, Susan (2005) Knowing nursing - The challenge of articulating knowing in practice. Nurse Education in Practice, 5 (6). pp. 333-339. ISSN 1471-5953

Carr, Susan, Lhussier, Monique and Forster, Natalie (2014) Engaging hard to reach populations: messages for researchers from an evaluation of outreach services. In: Northumbria Research Conference, 21 - 22 May 2014, Northumbria University.

Casselden, Biddy and Pears, Richard (2020) Higher Education student pathways to ebook usage and engagement, and understanding: Highways and cul de sacs. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 52 (2). pp. 601-619. ISSN 0961-0006

Cavener, John and Vincent, Sharon (2021) Enhancing knowledge and practice of ‘personal reflexivity’ among social work students: a pedagogical strategy informed by Archer’s theory. Social Work Education, 40 (8). pp. 961-976. ISSN 0261-5479

Charity, Ian (2010) PhD and professional doctorate: higher degrees of separation? Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Charnley, Helen and Hwang, Se Kwang (2010) 'I feel like a giant, like a star, a proper actor' : reflections on a service user-led evaluation of a drama project using participatory visual research methods. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 7 (2). pp. 149-158. ISSN 1743-6885

Childs, Sue (2007) Writing for the internet. In: The Complete Guide to Medical Writing. Pharmaceutical Press, pp. 406-426. ISBN 978-0853696674

Chowdhury, Gobinda, Koya, Kushwanth and Philipson, Pete (2016) Measuring the impact of research: lessons from the UK’s Research Excellence Framework 2014. PLoS ONE, 11 (6). e0156978. ISSN 1932-6203

Chowdhury, Gobinda, Ünal, Yurdagül, Kurbanoglu, Serap, Boustany, Joumana and Walton, Geoff (2018) Research data management and data sharing behaviour of university researchers. In: ISIC 2018: The Information Behaviour Conference, 9-11 October 2018, Krakow.

Cieslik, Mark and Simpson, Donald (2009) Living with poor basic skills? The role of 'skills for life' in education-to-work transitions. In: Transitions from education to work : new perspectives from Europe and beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 78-93. ISBN 978-0230201637

Clark, Billy, Macrae, Andrea and Giovanelli, Marcello (2022) Undergraduate Research in English. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 321-328. ISBN 9781108869508

Clark, Wendy (2008) Developing a vocabulary for reflective learning. In: ePortfolio Conference 2008, 3-4 July 2008, Ontario.

Clark, Wendy and Adamson, Jackie (2008) Developing the autonomous lifelong learner : tools, tasks and taxonomies. In: ENAC 2008, 27-29 August 2008, Berlin.

Cole, A., Barlow-Meade, Linda and Littlefair, David (2013) Are Academies Meeting Government Achievement Targets? A systematic appraisal exploring educational achievement in Academies in England from 2002-2010. Journal of Educational Thought, 45 (1). ISSN 0022-0701

Cook, Glenda, Thynne, Elaine, Weatherhead, Eunice, Glenn, Sheila, Mitchell, Angela and Bailey, Pam (2004) Distance learning in post-qualifying nurse education. Nurse Education Today, 24 (4). pp. 269-276. ISSN 0260-6917

Cook, Tina (2011) Authentic Voice: The Role of Methodology and Method in Transformational Research. In: The Student Voice Handbook. Emerald Press, Bingley, pp. 307-320. ISBN 978-1-78052-040-7

Cook, Tina (2006) Collaborative action research within developmental evaluation : learning to see or the road to myopia? Evaluation, 2 (4). pp. 418-436. ISSN 1356-3890

Cook, Tina (2004) Reflecting and learning together: action research as a vital element of developing understanding and practice. Educational Action Research, 12 (1). pp. 77-97. ISSN 0965-0792

Cook, Tina (2004) Starting where we can: using action research to develop inclusive practice. International Journal of Early Years Education, 12 (1). pp. 3-16. ISSN 0966-9760

Cook, Tina (2007) Ways of seeing - ways of learning: the role of honest methodology in research and evaluation. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Cook, Tina (2016) Working at the intersection: partnerships as participatory mechanisms for disruption. In: Teacher Education in Challenging Times: lessons for professionalism, partnership and practice. Routledge Research in Teacher Education . Taylor and Francis, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 83-93. ISBN 9781138943360

Cook, Tina, Cole, Emily, McTaggart, Robin and Rauch, Franz (2010) A ‘four perspective review’. Educational Action Research, 18 (1). pp. 123-131. ISSN 0965-0792

Cook, Tina and Roche, Brenda (2017) Editorial. Educational Action Research, 25 (4). pp. 467-472. ISSN 0965-0792

Cordier, Reinie, Brown, Ted, Clemson, Lindy and Byles, Julie (2018) Evaluating the Longitudinal Item and Category Stability of the SF-36 Full and Summary Scales Using Rasch Analysis. BioMed Research International, 2018. pp. 1-30. ISSN 2314-6133

Core, Jane and Smith, Kathryn (2010) Supporting learning beyond the classroom: developing the Northumbria Learner Support Model. EMERGE, 2. pp. 24-31.

Corlett, Sandra, Keith, K. and Williams, Jannine (2009) Developing researchers: 'novice' CoPs, reflexivity and narrative analysis in practice. In: 10th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice across Europe, 10-12 June 2009, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Costa Santos, Sandra (2009) Learning Methodologies applied to Architectural Technologies. In: EDULEARN09 Proceedings. IATED, Barcelona, pp. 2236-2241. ISBN 978-84-612-9802-0

Costa Santos, Sandra, Fernandez Castro, A. and Gomez Barreiro, S. (2011) Learning day-lighting design through studio projects in the school of architecture. In: EDULEARN11 Proceedings. IATED, pp. 3207-3210. ISBN 978-84-615-0441-1

Costa Santos, Sandra and Hilti, Hansjörg (2010) Learning Architectural Technologies through studio projects in the school of Architecture. In: EDULEARN10 Proceedings. IATED, Barcelona, pp. 4884-4887. ISBN 978-84-613-9386-2

Cunningham, James and Menter, Matthias (2021) Transformative change in higher education: entrepreneurial universities and high-technology entrepreneurship. Industry and Innovation, 28 (3). pp. 343-364. ISSN 1366-2716

Cunningham, James, Menter, Matthias and Young, Chris (2017) A review of qualitative case methods trends and themes used in technology transfer research. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 42 (4). pp. 923-956. ISSN 0892-9912

Cunningham, Liz (2021) Data literacy skills – why are they so important for graduates? What can business schools do to improve the current situation? Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.


Dalkin, Sonia (2012) A journey through PhD life and the obstacles it challenges you with: from design to data analysis. In: SRCC Third PhD Student Conference: Research in the field of supportive/palliative and end of life care: developing the next generation of researchers, 31 October 2012, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.

Davies, Pamela (2011) Doing interviews in prison. In: Doing criminological research 2nd edition. SAGE, London, pp. 161-178. ISBN 978-1848606524

Davies, Pamela (2011) Formulating criminological research questions. In: Doing Criminological Research. SAGE, London, pp. 36-52. ISBN 978-1848606524

Davison, Gillian (2011) Investigating the Relationships Between Authentic Assessment and the Development of Learner Autonomy. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Davison, June (2012) Learning in Single Parent Families: a narrative investigation of single mothers' and single fathers' engagement with their children’s learning. In: CRFR New Researchers in Families and Relationships conference, 29 October 2012, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, UK.

Dedotsi, Sofia and Panić, Gorana (2020) Resisting within the neoliberalising academy: reflections on doing transformative doctoral research. Emotion, Space and Society, 35. p. 100657. ISSN 1755-4586

Dele-Ajayi, Opeyemi, Strachan, Rebecca, Sanderson, Jonathan and Pickard, Alison (2016) Learning Mathematics through Serious Games: an Engagement Framework. In: Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2016 IEEE. IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5090-1791-1

Denniss, Rebecca and Talbot, Catherine (2019) Managing the Second Year of Your PHD: Data Collection and Upgrading from an MPhil to a PhD. In: Managing the Second Year of Your PHD: Data Collection and Upgrading from an MPhil to a PhD. British Psychological Society, pp. 49-51.

Diamond, Alison (2016) Understanding the audience: survey into the use of archives by teachers in Scotland. Project Report. Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Disney, Tom, Harrowell, Elly, Mulhall, Rachel and Ronayne, Megan (2013) Doctoral researcher skill development: learning through doing. Planet, 27 (2). pp. 14-20. ISSN 1473-1835

Doolan, Martina and Turnock, Chris (2008) Virtual Learning Environments : can they be extensively used as a collaborative learning tool? In: ALT-C, 8-11 September 2008, Leeds.

Durrani, Naureen (2010) Schooling the 'other' : the representation of gender and national identities in Pakistani curriculum texts. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 38 (5). pp. 595-610. ISSN 0305-7925

Durrani, Naureen and Dunne, Mairead (2010) Curriculum and national identity: exploring the links between religion and nation in Pakistan. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42 (2). pp. 215-240. ISSN 0022-0272

Durrani, Naureen and Shah, Nazneen (2010) Comparative perspectives and pedagogies. In: The Complete Guide to Becoming an English Teacher. SAGE, London, pp. 324-329. ISBN 1847872891


Edirisingha, Prabash, Abarashi, Jamal, Ferguson, Shelagh and Aitken, Robert (2017) From "participant" to "friend": the role of Facebook engagement in ethnographic research. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 20 (4). pp. 416-434. ISSN 1352-2752

Emembolu, Itoro, Padwick, Annie, Shimwell, Joe, Sanderson, Jonathan, Davenport, Carol and Strachan, Becky (2020) Using action research to design and evaluate sustained and inclusive engagement to improve children’s knowledge and perception of STEM careers. International Journal of Science Education, 42 (5). pp. 764-782. ISSN 0950-0693

Emembolu, Itoro Charles (2020) Impact of academic research through Northumbria’s physical sciences, technology and engineering outreach activities on improving the uptake of STEM disciplines by young people. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

English, Christine and Pengelly, Theresa (2016) Research essentials. Nursing Children and Young People, 28 (3). p. 12. ISSN 2046-2336


Falzon, Ruth (2012) Early educators' awareness and knowledge of structured multisensory literary instruction. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.

Fan, Ziyun and Grey, Christopher (2017) The ethnography of secrecy and the secrecy of ethnography: Ethical and emotional dilemmas of researching organizational secrecy. In: European Group for Organizational Studies, 6-8 Jul 2017, Copenhagen.

Farrell, Peter, Sheratt, Fred and Richardson, Alan (2016) Laboratory experiments for dissertations and projects. In: Writing Built Environment Dissertations and Projects: Practical Guidance and Examples, 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 140-164. ISBN 9781118921920

Fitzgerald, Ian and Stone, Ian (2002) Integrating term-time working into graduate employability development strategies. In: First Northumbria Conference, July 2002, Newcastle.

Foo, Martin and Burns, Caroline (2011) Formative Feedback First – does it really work for International Students? In: North East Universities (3 Rivers Consortium) 2011 Regional Learning and Teaching Conference, 12 April 2011, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Foo, Martin and Burns, Caroline (2012) Using Formative Feedback to develop international students’ academic skills. In: North East Universities (3 Rivers Consortium) 5th Regional Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 March 2012, University of Teeside, UK.

Foo, Martin and Burns, Caroline (2011) Using formative feedback to develop international students' academic skills. In: The Third Assessment in Higher Education Conference, 6 July 2011, Carlisle, UK.

Freeman, Rebecca and Graham, Linda (2008) How can we capture, disseminate and sustain the CETL Student Network? In: CETL Network Student Conference, 16-17 June 2008, Plymouth.

Fuller, Ian, Mellor, Antony and Entwistle, Jane (2014) Combining research-based student fieldwork with staff research to reinforce teaching and learning. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 38 (3). pp. 383-400. ISSN 0309-8265


Gannon-Leary, Pat and Bent, Moira (2009) Being an information literate researcher: tips for avoiding plagiarism. Manual. JISC Internet Plagiarism Advisory Service.

Gannon-Leary, Pat and Smailes, Joanne (2009) Red Guide 56: Conference tips: Getting the most out of your conference experience. Red Guides, 56 . Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. ISBN 9781861354457

Ganobcsik-Williams, Lisa and Broughan, Christine (2011) Using the ‘Balanced Scorecard’ Method to Evaluate and Plan Writing Centre Provision: a Case Study of the Coventry Online Writing Lab (COWL) Project. Journal of Academic Writing, 1 (1). pp. 267-279. ISSN 2225-8973

Gardener, David (2008) Sharing resources and experiences across the cultural hemisphere. In: Research That Works: Successful Collaborations: Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Conference of the Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics of New Zealand Research Forum. Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 54-57. ISBN 978-0473152512

Gaston, Elizabeth (2017) Crafted Futures: A Craft/Technology Collaboration. Journal of Textile Design and Research Practice, 5 (2). pp. 157-174. ISSN 2051-1787

Ghosh, Rajashi, Callahan, Jamie and Hammrich, Penny (2019) Supporting teachers who witness student bullying: (Re)shaping perceptions through peer coaching in action learning. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 9 (1). pp. 87-102. ISSN 2046-6854

Gibson, Mel (2011) Cultural Studies Approaches to Audience. In: Critical Approaches to Comics: Theories and Methods. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0415885553

Gibson, Mel (2010) Dr Peter Venkman: 'Scuse me Egon? You said crossing the streams was bad!...' Dr Ray Stanz: 'Cross the streams...': Comics, manga, graphic novels and the challenge and excitement of cross-curricular work (with apologies to Ghostbusters [1984]). NATE Classroom, 10. pp. 10-12. ISSN 1753-6162

Gibson, Mel (2013) Transformation, text and genre in The Birdman. In: Melvin Burgess. New Casebook . Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, pp. 116-134. ISBN 978-1137262790

Gibson, Mel (2008) The powerful world of graphic texts. In: Understanding children's books: a guide for educational professionals. Sage, London, pp. 109-118. ISBN 978-1847870315

Gillie, Martin, Dahli, Ranim, Saunders, Fiona C and Gibson, Andrew (2017) Use of rich-media resources by engineering undergraduates. European Journal of Engineering Education, 42 (6). pp. 1496-1511. ISSN 0304-3797

Gledson, Barry and Dawson, Susan (2017) Use of Simulation Through BIM-Enabled Virtual Projects to Enhance Learning and Soft Employability Skills in Architectural Technology Education. In: Building Information Modelling, Building Performance, Design and Smart Construction. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 79-92. ISBN 9783319503455

Gledson, Barry and Dawson, Susan (2016) Use of simulation through BIM-enabled Virtual Projects to enhance learning and soft employability skills in Architectural Technology education. In: International SEEDS Conference 2016, 14th - 15th September 2016, Leeds, UK.

Gledson, Barry and Downs, Maddy (2017) Examining vignettes in AEC research – how are they used, and what are they good for? In: 3rd International Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS) Conference, 13th -14th September 2017, Leeds.

Gledson, Barry, Greenwood, David, Routledge, Peter, Watson, Richard and Woddy, Paul (2016) Preparing to work in level 2 BIM: an innovative approach to a training and educational need. In: 1st International UK BIM Academic Forum Conference, September 13th-15th, 2016, Glasgow Caledonian University.

Goldsmith, R. and Strachan, Rebecca (2007) Supporting learners on their e-journey. In: Principles of effective online teaching: a handbook for educators developing e-learning. Informing Science Press, Santa Rosa, CA, USA, pp. 57-82. ISBN 978-1932886016

Goodall, Deborah and Brophy, Peter (1997) A comparable experience? : library support for franchised courses in higher education. British Library Research and Innovation Report, 33 . University of Central Lancashire, Preston. ISBN 978-0906694657

Goodall, Deborah, Pattern, David and Stone, Graham (2010) Making resources work harder. CILIP Update (2). p. 5. ISSN 2046-0406

Goss, Joan (2012) The Research Teaching nexus and its potential to enhance the opportunities of those teaching Higher Education in Further Education Colleges. In: British Education Research Association (BERA) Conference, 4-6 September 2012, University of Manchester, Manchester.

Goss, Joan, Gallagher, Justine and McKenna, Lynne (2013) The Wider Family Learning Nexus: “It’s still all to play for!”. In: Improving Lives: the power of football, 14 March 2013, Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. (Unpublished)

Goss, Joan, Gallagher, Justine and McKenna, Lynne (2012) The wider family learning nexus: a social impact evaluation study through football. In: North East Universities (3 Rivers Consortium) Learning and Teaching Conference, 29 March 2012, University of Teeside, Middlesbrough.

Goss, Joan and Grinstead, Jan (2013) First year undergraduate students in the hot seat: co-constructors of knowledge and inquiry in Higher Education. Undergraduate Research News Australia (URNA), 6. pp. 7-8.

Goss, Joan and Grinstead, Jan (2013) Staff and students co-constructing knowledge. In: North East Universities (3 Rivers Consortium) Learning and Teaching Conference: Students as Partners in Higher Education, 19th March 2013, Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Goss, Joan and Sanders, Gail (2011) Understanding the Pedagogical signifiance of Higher Education Wherever It's Taught. In: The Fifth Education in a Changing Environment Conference Book 2009. Informing Science Press, Santa Rosa, California, pp. 241-255. ISBN 978-1-932886-48-1

Goulding, Jack and Syed-Khuzzan, Sharifah (2014) A study on the validity of a four-variant diagnostic learning styles questionnaire. Education + Training, 56 (2/3). pp. 141-164. ISSN 0040-0912

Grainger, Paul and Matthews, Lesley (2007) The contribution of field study visits to the student learning experience. In: Northumbria Conference 2007: Enhancing the Student Experience, 11 September 2007, Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Green, Michael and Williams, Tony (2018) On reflection: The role, mode and medium of the reflective component in practice as research. TEXT, 22 (1). ISSN 1327-9556

Gribbin, John, Aftab, Mersha, Young, Robert and Park, Sumin (2016) Double-loop reflective practice as an approach to understanding knowledge and experience. Proceedings of DRS 2016 International Conference: Future – Focused Thinking, 8. pp. 3181-3198. ISSN 2398-3132

Gribbin, John, Young, Robert and Aftab, Mersha (2016) Towards a holistic framework of design competence. In: 19th Academic Design Management Conference, 28th - 29th July, Boston, USA.

Griffiths, Elisabeth, Brennan, Carol and Kingston, Helen (2011) Legal Ombudsman training: shaping the development of Legal Ombudsman employees, partnership for accredited programmes. In: Work based Learning Futures V Conference, University of Derby, 15 - 16 September 2011, Derby, UK.

Grube, Martin, Gaya, Ester, Kauserud, Håvard, Smith, Adrian, Avery, Simon, Fernstad, Sara Johansson, Muggia, Lucia, Martin, Michael, Eivindsen, Tove, Kõljalg, Urmas and Bendiksby, Mika (2017) The next generation fungal diversity researcher. Fungal Biology Reviews, 31 (3). pp. 124-130. ISSN 1749-4613

Guariento, Bill, Almasri, Nazmi and Rolinska, Anna (2016) Investigating EAST (A Scotland-Gaza English for Academic Study Telecollaboration between SET Students). In: 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings. American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, p. 14492. ISBN 9780692685655

Guariento, William, Rolinska, Anna and Al-Masri, Nazmi (2018) Constructive content-based feedback in EAP contexts: lessons from a cross-border engineering-related pre-sessional course. Higher Education Research and Development, 37 (3). pp. 514-532. ISSN 0729-4360


Hall, Elaine (2009) Engaging in and engaging with research: teacher inquiry and development. Teachers and Teaching, 15 (6). pp. 669-681. ISSN 1354-0602

Hall, Elaine (2016) The tenacity of learning styles: a response to Lodge, Hansen and Cottrell. Learning: Research and Practice, 2 (1). pp. 18-26. ISSN 2373-5082

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