Items where Year is 2005
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Abbas, Andrea, Taylor, Steve, Chapman, Tony, Morland, Dave and Nutt, Diane (2005) Editorial Introduction to a Collection from the 2003 BSA Conference 'Social Futures: Desire, Excess and Waste' the Consumption and Waste Stream. Sociological Research Online, 10 (2). ISSN 1360-7804
Abels, Sven, Habenicht, Ilka, Häberle, Oliver, Ulbrich, Frank and Walter, Sven Markus (2005) Erfahrungsbericht über die Doktorandenförderung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik : Resümee des Doctorial Consortiums im Vorfeld der WI2005 auf Schloss Thurnau. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 47 (4). pp. 315-317. ISSN 0937-6429
Adamson, Sue and Cole, Bankole (2005) UK Chinese People’s Experiences of Racially Motivated Crimes: A pilot study in West Yorkshire and Humberside. Project Report. Leeds Chinese Community Association.
Affleck, Arthur and Mellor, Mary (2005) The Newcastle employment bond: investing in local communities. Local Economy, 20 (1). pp. 23-66. ISSN 0269-0942
Aggiag, Mohamed Abd (2005) The impact of client attributes on project success : a study of UK public construction projects. Doctoral thesis, University of Northumbria at Newcastle.
Ahmed, Ishtiaq, Gupta, Ajay, Gould, Kate and Clark, Stephen (2005) A fatal fungus. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 80 (2). pp. 723-724. ISSN 0003-4975
Ahmed, Mohamed Mostafa Ramadan, Putrus, Ghanim and Shokralla, S. (2005) A new approach for speed control of a d.c. motor fed from ac to dc sepic converter. In: Electricity Distribution, 2005. CIRED 2005. 18th International Conference and Exhibition on. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 103-107.
Al-Jibouri, Belal (2005) Applications of the genetic algorithms optimisation approach in the design of circular polarised microstrip antennas. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Aldibbiat, Nawras and Ghassemlooy, Zabih (2005) Effects of artificial light interference on optical wireless systems employing DH-PIM. In: LCS 2005, September 2005, London, UK.
Aldibbiat, Nawras, Ghassemlooy, Zabih and McLaughlin, R. (2005) Indoor optical wireless systems employing dual header pulse interval modulation (DH-PIM). International Journal of Communication Systems, 18 (3). pp. 285-305. ISSN 1074-5351
Alexander, Jill and Spurgeon, Simon (2005) Conveyancing Practice [43rd ed.]. Sweet & Maxwell, London. ISBN 9780421349209
Alexander, Jill and Spurgeon, Simon (2005) Conveyancing Practice [44th edition]. Sweet & Maxwell, London, UK. ISBN 9780421349209
Allarton, R., Gazi, Boran and Ghassemlooy, Zabih (2005) Comparative performance of 2x2 optical contention resolution topologies with multicast capability. In: PREP 2005, 30 March - 1 April 2005, Lancaster, UK.
Alston, Charlotte (2005) Witnessing a Revolution. History Today, 55 (1). pp. 28-29. ISSN 0018-2753
Altuna-Urquijo, Marta (2005) New routes to functionalised pyridines. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Altuna-Urquijo, Marta, Stanforth, Stephen and Tarbit, Brian (2005) The preparation of 1,2,4-triazines from α,β-diketo-ester equivalents and their application in pyridine synthesis. Tetrahedron Letters, 48 (36). pp. 6111-6113. ISSN 0040-4039
Alty, James, Rigas, Dimitrios and Vickers, Paul (2005) Music and Speech in Auditory Interfaces: When is One Mode More Appropriate Than the Other? In: ICAD 2005 - The 11th Meeting of the International Conference on Auditory Display, 6-9 July 2005, Limerick, Ireland.
Alwaddan, Abubaker (2005) Banking reforms and banking efficiency in Libyan commercial banks : a non-parametric approach. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Amara, Abdulkarim Mohamed (2005) A socio-economic analysis of land settlement in Libya : the case of the Wadi Al Hai project. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Amos, Martyn (2005) Theoretical and Experimental DNA Computation. Natural Computing Series . Springer. ISBN 9783540657736
Angelova, Maia and Frank, A. (2005) Algebraic approach to thermodynamic properties of diatomic molecules. Physics of Atomic Nuclei. ISSN 10637788
Armstrong, Stephen (2005) Investigation of ZnSe and ZnSxSe1-x for application in thin film solar cells. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Arthur, Raymond (2005) Punishing parents for the crimes of their children. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 44 (3). pp. 233-253. ISSN 0265-5527
Arthur, Raymond (2005) The Youth Justice System in England and Wales: complying with international human rights law. International Family Law, 9. pp. 157-160. ISSN 1369-5762
Aryal, Komal (2005) Disaster risk management education. The Kathmandu Post, 13 (26). p. 4.
Aryal, Komal and Bhattarai, Suresh (2005) Environmental disaster risk, political conflict and governance: a case study from Nepal. In: Fifth Annual IIASA –DPRI Forum on Disaster Risk Management Innovation in Science and Policy, 14-18 September 2005, Ministry of Civil Affairs of China, China.
Askins, Kye and Bulkeley, Harriet (2005) Sustainable Waste Management Project: Durham County Council SMART Initiative. Project Report. Durham University, Durham.
Askins, Kye and Bulkeley, Harriet (2005) Sustainable Waste Management Project: Freda the Frog Education Initiative. Project Report. Durham University, Durham.
Askins, Kye and Bulkeley, Harriet (2005) Sustainable Waste Management Project: Haverton Hill Furniture Reuse Scheme. Project Report. Durham University, Durham.
Askins, Kye and Bulkeley, Harriet (2005) Sustainable Waste Management Project: Home composting promotion in Newcastle. Project Report. Durham University, Durham.
Askins, Kye and Bulkeley, Harriet (2005) Sustainable Waste Management Project: Newcastle City Council Recycling Centres. Project Report. Durham University, Durham.
Askins, Kye and Bulkeley, Harriet (2005) Sustainable Waste Management Project: Promotion of cloth nappy use in Durham. Project Report. Durham University, Durham.
Atkins, Liz (2005) Researching ‘with’ not ‘on’: Engaging Foundation GNVQ students in the research process - emerging themes from the study. In: Learning and Skills Development Agency Regional Conference, 2005, Nottingham.
Atkins, Liz (2005) Researching ‘with’ not ‘on’: Engaging Foundation GNVQ students in the research process - emerging themes from the study. In: British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 16 September 2005, University of Glamorgan.
Aziz, Hayder, Gao, James, Maropoulos, Paul and Cheung, Wai Ming (2005) Open Standard, Open Source and Peer to Peer tools and methods for collaborative product development. Computers in Industry, 56. pp. 260-271. ISSN 0166-3615
Azra Moosvi, S., McDonald, Ian, Pearce, David, Kelly, Donovan and Wood, Ann (2005) Molecular detection and isolation from Antarctica of methylotrophic bacteria able to grow with methylated sulfur compounds. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 28 (6). pp. 541-554. ISSN 0723-2020
Aðalgeirsdóttir, Guðefinna, Gudmundsson, Hilmar and Björnsson, H. (2005) Volume sensitivity of Vatnajökull Ice Cap, Iceland, to perturbations in equilibrium line altitude. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (F4). F04001. ISSN 0148-0227
Badar, Mohamed (2005) Mens rea – Mistake of Law & Mistake of Fact in German Criminal Law: A Survey for International Criminal Tribunals. International Criminal Law Review, 5 (2). pp. 203-246. ISSN 1567-536X
Badger, Tony (2005) Brown and Backlash. In: Massive Resistance: Southern Opposition to the Second Reconstruction. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 39-55. ISBN 9780195177862
Baines, Susan, Gannon-Leary, Pat and Wilson, Rob (2005) Practitioner buy-in and resistance to e-enabled information sharing across agencies: the case of an e-government project to join up local services in England. In: Challenges of Expanding Internet: E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing (189). Springer, Boston, MA, pp. 297-311. ISBN 9780387287539, 9780387297736
Baldassarri, M., Andreazzoli, F., Parodi, L., Pesce, Giovanni and Sicios, M. (2005) Per tor via la speranza a chi si fosse di poterli riavere: techniche di abbattimento e di demolizione delle strutture fortificate medievali : primo bilancio delle fonti scritte, iconografiche e archeologiche. Archeologia Medievale, 32. pp. 295-297. ISSN 0390-0592
Barker, Richard and Place, Maurice (2005) Working in collaboration - a therapeutic intervention for abused children. Child Abuse Review, 14 (1). pp. 26-39. ISSN 0952-9136
Barker, Richard, Reynolds, Joanna and Place, Maurice (2005) Action research, self esteem and children and young people in need with 'medium range' behavioural difficulties. Journal of Social Work Practice, 19 (3). pp. 299-315. ISSN 0265-0533
Barlow, Paul (2005) Imagining intimacy : rhetoric, love and the loss of Raphael. Visual Culture in Britain, 6 (1). pp. 15-36. ISSN 1471-4787
Barlow, Paul (2005) Time present and time past : the art of John Everett Millais. Ashgate, Farnham. ISBN 9780754632979
Barrioz, Vincent, Rowlands-Jones, Rachael, Jones, Eurig, Irvine, Stuart, Zoppi, Guillaume and Durose, Ken (2005) A comparison of in situ As doping with ex situ CdCl2 treatment of CdTe solar cells. MRS Proceedings, 865. ISSN 1946-4274
Barry, Andrew, Parlange, J.-Y., Li, L., Jeng, D.-S. and Crapper, Martin (2005) Green–Ampt approximations. Advances in Water Resources, 28 (10). pp. 1003-1009. ISSN 0309 1708
Bastianini, Filippo, Corradi, Marco, Borri, Antonio and di Tommaso, Angelo (2005) Retrofit and monitoring of an historical building using “Smart” CFRP with embedded fibre optic Brillouin sensors. Construction and Building Materials, 19 (7). pp. 525-535. ISSN 09500618
Bauer, Thomas, Forbes, Ian, Pearsall, Nicola and Penlington, Roger (2005) Heat transfer modelling in thermophotovoltaic cavities using glass media. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 88 (3). pp. 257-268. ISSN 0927-0248
Beattie, Neil, Kardynał, Beata, Shields, Andrew, Farrer, Ian, Ritchie, David and Pepper, Michael (2005) Single-photon detection mechanism in a quantum dot transistor. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 26 (1-4). pp. 356-360. ISSN 1386-9477
Beldon, Annemarie and Crozier, Suzanne (2005) Health promotion in pregnancy: The role of the midwife. The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health, 125 (5). pp. 216-220. ISSN 1466-4240
Benneworth, Paul and Charles, David (2005) University spin-off policies and economic development in Less successful regions: Learning from two decades of policy practice. European Planning Studies, 13 (4). pp. 537-557. ISSN 0965-4313
Betts, James, Stevenson, Emma, Williams, Clyde, Sheppard, Catrin, Grey, Edwin and Griffin, Joe (2005) Recovery of endurance running capacity: effect of carbohydrate-protein mixtures. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 15 (6). pp. 590-609. ISSN 1543-2742
Bhowmick, Sanjay (2005) Due Diligence: what have we learnt? Australian Venture Capital Journal, 14 (147). ISSN 1038-4324
Bhowmick, Sanjay (2005) In Search of a Theory for a Small Firm Internationalisation: A Literature Review and a Proposition. In: ANZAM 2005: Proceedings of the 19th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Canberra, Australia. ANZAM, Canberra. ISBN 1 74088 245 8
Bhowmick, Sanjay (2005) Towards Understanding Small Firm Internationalisation - A Technology Based SME Focus. In: Frontiers of e-business research 2004: eBRF conference proceedings. Tampere University Press, Tampere, Finland, pp. 758-770.
Binda, Luigia, Borri, Antonio, Corradi, Marco and Tedeschi, Cristina (2005) Experimental evaluation of shear and compression strength of masonry wall before and after reinforcement: deep repointing. In: 1st Canadian Conference on Effective Design of Structures, 10 - 13 July 2005, McMaster University, Ontario.
Blenkinsopp, John and Zdunczyk, Kasia (2005) Making sense of mistakes in managerial careers. Career Development International, 10 (5). pp. 359-374. ISSN 1362-0436
Boato, Anna, Martini, S. and Pesce, Giovanni (2005) La costruzione dei terrazzamenti a secco nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre (SP):codificazione di un sapere empirico. In: Atti del seminario internazionale. Edizioni Moderna, Bologna, Italy.
Boothby, Carol (2005) Duty bound? Court Possession Schemes and Clinical Education. International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, 7. pp. 58-65. ISSN 1467-1069
Borri, Antonio, Corradi, Marco and Grazini, Andrea (2005) A method for flexural reinforcement of old wood beams with CFRP materials. Composites Part B: Engineering, 36 (2). pp. 143-153. ISSN 13598368
Brackenridge, Rachel and McKenzie, Karen (2005) The friendships of people with a learning disability. Learning Disability Practice, 8 (5). pp. 12-17. ISSN 1465-8712
Brandon, Toby (2005) Empowerment, policy levels and service forums. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 9 (4). pp. 321-331. ISSN 1744-6295
Bridge, Paul, Clark, M. S. and Pearce, David (2005) A new species of Paecilomyces isolated from the Antarctic springtail Cryptopygus antarcticus. Mycotaxon, 92. pp. 213-222. ISSN 0093-4666
Brown, Jim and Sice, Petia (2005) Towards a second order research methodology. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 3 (1). pp. 25-36. ISSN 1477-7029
Brownsword, Richard, Pearsall, Nicola, Fleming, Paul and Powell, Jane (2005) Sustainable cities: modelling urban energy supply and demand. Applied Energy, 82 (2). pp. 167-180. ISSN 0306-2619
Buchanan, Tom, Ali, Tarick, Heffernan, Tom, Ling, Jonathan, Parrott, Andrew, Rodgers, Jacqui and Scholey, Andrew (2005) Nonequivalence of on-line and paper-and-pencil psychological tests: The case of the prospective memory questionnaire. Behavior Research Methods, 37 (1). pp. 148-154. ISSN 1554-351X
Buckley, Cheryl (2005) Subject of history? Anna Wetherill Olmsted and the ceramic national exhibitions in 1930s USA. Art History, 28 (4). pp. 497-423. ISSN 0141-6790
Busawon, Krishna and Johnson, Patrick (2005) Analytical solution of a class of linear differential equations. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 4 (4). pp. 464-469. ISSN 1109-2769
Callahan, Jamie, Hasler, Michael and Tolson, Homer (2005) Perceptions of emotion expressiveness: gender differences among senior executives. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 26 (7). pp. 512-528. ISSN 0143-7739
Calogero, Francesco, Gomez-Ullate, David, Santini, Paolo and Sommacal, Matteo (2005) The transition from regular to irregular motions, explained as travel on Riemann surfaces. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38 (41). pp. 8873-8896. ISSN 0305-4470
Camargo Madeira Simoes, Davina, Gratziou, Cristina, Xanthou, Georgina, Roussos, Charis and Papapetropoulos, Andreas (2005) Down regulation of soluble guanylate cyclase contributes to bronchial hyperreactivity in asthma. Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes, 23 (1). pp. 95-96. ISSN 1011-6575
Campbell, David and Durden, Mark (2005) ‘identity_factories'. [Show/Exhibition]
Caplan, Nick and Gardner, Trevor (2005) A new measurement system for the determination of oar blade forces in rowing. In: Biomechanics (BioMech 2005) - proceedings. ACTA Press. ISBN 0889865329
Capper, Graham, Holmes, John, Hudson, Gordon and Currie, John (2005) The use of an environmental assessment tool in health care buildings. In: Unit 4/5 - Building environmental assessment tools: current and future roles.
Carlisle, Bruce (2005) Modelling the spatial distribution of DEM Error. Transactions in GIS, 9 (4). pp. 521-540. ISSN 1361-1682
Carol, Rachel, Durrant, Marcus, Linstead, Paul, Takeda, Seiji, Kakesova, Hana, Derbyshire, Paul, Drea, Sinead, Zarsky, Viktor and Dolan, Liam (2005) A RhoGDP dissociation inhibitor spatially regulates growth in root hair cells. Nature, 438 (7070). pp. 1013-1016. ISSN 0028-0836
Carr, Susan (2005) Knowing nursing - The challenge of articulating knowing in practice. Nurse Education in Practice, 5 (6). pp. 333-339. ISSN 1471-5953
Carr, Susan (2005) Peer educators-contributing to child accident prevention. Community Practitioner, 78 (5). pp. 174-177. ISSN 1462 2815
Carr, Susan (2005) Refocusing health visiting - Sharpening the vision and facilitating the process. Journal of Nursing Management, 13 (3). pp. 249-256. ISSN 0966-0429
Carr, Susan and Pearson, Pauline (2005) Delegation : perception and practice in community nursing. Primary health care research and development, 6 (1). pp. 72-81. ISSN 14634236
Cassidy, B., Cockton, Gilbert, Bloor, C. and Coventry, Lynne (2005) Capability, acceptability and aspiration for: Collecting accessibility data with prototypes. In: Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction 2005 (HCI 2005). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 138-143. ISBN 1-902505-69-7
Chambers, Steve (2005) The recall man: Best forgotten. [Broadcast]
Chan, Paul, Cooper, Rachel and Tzortzopoulos, Patricia (2005) Organisational learning: conceptual challenges from a project perspective. Construction Management and Economics, 23 (7). pp. 747-756. ISSN 0144-6193
Childs, Sue (2005) Judging the quality of internet-based health information. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 6 (2). pp. 80-96. ISSN 1467-8047
Childs, Sue, Blenkinsopp, Elizabeth, Hall, Amanda and Walton, Graham (2005) Effective e-learning for health professionals and students: barriers and their solutions: a systematic review of the literature-findings from the HeXL Project. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 22 (s2). pp. 20-32. ISSN 1471-1842
Childs, Sue, Cook, Glenda, McCormack, Brendan and Reed, Jan (2005) A literature review to explore integrated care for older people. In: British Society of Gerontology Conference, 9-11 September 2005, Roehampton.
Chinouya, Martha and Muza, Innocent (2005) Tact and tactics in Christianity and HIV: voices from faith leaders in Luton : a seminar report. Other. Luton Primary teaching Care Trust, Luton.
Chinouya, Martha and O'Keefe, Eileen (2005) God will look after us: Africans, HIV and religion in Milton Keynes. Diversity in Health and Social Care, 2 (3). pp. 177-186. ISSN 1743-1913
Chondroleou, Georgia, Elcock, Howard James, Liddle, Joyce and Oikonomopoulos, Ioannis (2005) A comparison of local management of regeneration in England and Greece. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 18 (2). pp. 114-127. ISSN 0951-3558
Clark, Heidi, Rome, Keith, Plant, Michael, O'Hare, Kathryn and Gray, Joanne (2005) A critical review of foot orthoses in the rheumatoid arthritic foot. Rheumatology, 45 (2). pp. 139-145. ISSN 1462-0324
Clark, Stephen and Hasan, Asif (2005) Cardio-thoracic transplantation. In: Transplantation: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice [3rd ed.]. Elsevier, London. ISBN 978-0702027376
Clarke, Charlotte, Gibb, Catherine, Lhussier, Monique, Minto, Christopher and Perini, Tony (2005) Paradoxes, locations and the need for social coherence: a qualitative study of living with a learning difficulty. Disability & Society, 20 (4). pp. 405-419. ISSN 0968-7599
Coburn, Ann and MacPherson, Fiona (2005) Get Up and Tie Your Fingers (2005 tour). [Performance]
Cockton, Gilbert (2005) Deflections: 'I can't get no iteration'. Interfaces, 63. pp. 4-5. ISSN 1351-119X
Cockton, Gilbert (2005) Deflections: You can’t burst seams if no-one will wear the clothes. Interfaces, 65. pp. 4-5. ISSN 1351-119X
Cockton, Gilbert (2005) Designing Interactive Systems: People, Activities, Contexts, Technologies, by David Benyon, Phil Turner and Susan Turner [Book review]. Interfaces, 62. pp. 22-23. ISSN 1351-119X
Cockton, Gilbert (2005) Less is less, Worthwhile computing’s best — Where should HCI focus? In: International Forum 'Less is More — Simple Computing in an Age of Complexity', 27-28 April 2005, Cambridge.
Cockton, Gilbert (2005) A development framework for value-centred design. In: CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '05. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, pp. 1292-1295. ISBN 1595930027
Cole, Bankole, Davidson, Norman, Adamson, Sue and Murtuja, Bano (2005) Black and minority ethnic people’s confidence in the criminal justice system in West Yorkshire. Project Report. Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Commane, Daniel, Hughes, Roisin, Shortt, Colette and Rowland, Ian (2005) The potential mechanisms involved in the anti-carcinogenic action of probiotics. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 591 (1-2). pp. 276-289. ISSN 0027-5107
Commane, Daniel, Shortt, Colette, Silvi, Stefania, Cresci, Albert, Hughes, Roisin and Rowland, Ian (2005) Effects of Fermentation Products of Pro- and Prebiotics on Trans-Epithelial Electrical Resistance in an In Vitro Model of the Colon. Nutrition and Cancer, 51 (1). pp. 102-109. ISSN 0163-5581
Cook, Glenda and Klein, Barbara (2005) Involvement of older people in care, service and policy planning. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14 (S1). pp. 43-47. ISSN 0962 1067
Cooper, Andrea (2005) An investigation into communication studies to improve the designer's understanding of the virtues and constraints of the three dimensional graphical user interface. Doctoral thesis, Northumbria University.
Copley, Paul (2005) Understanding new 'ways of seeing' Business to Business marketing in product-led SMEs - some preliminary findings from a critical discourse analysis. In: Marketing: Building Business, Shaping Society, 2005, Dublin.
Copley, Paul and Gay, Richard (2005) Interactive communications in marketing. Pearson Custom Publishing, Harlow. ISBN 9781844795123
Copley, Paul and Smith, Phil (2005) Second hand Rose or affluent Alice. In: Marketing: Building Business, Shaping Society, 2005, Dublin.
Corlett, Sandra, Bryans, Patricia and Mavin, Sharon (2005) Encouraging research through communities of practice. In: Encyclopaedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 157-162. ISBN 978-1591405566
Corradi, Marco (2005) Castrum Farnectae: le famiglie, la storia, le cronache di un castello umbro. Del Gallo. ISBN 978-8890082016
Craigie, Angela, Adamson, Ashley, Lake, Amelia, Gibbons, M. R. D., Matthews, J. N. S., Rugg-Gunn, Andrew and Mathers, John (2005) Lifecourse influences on nutrient intake in adulthood. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 64 (1a). 1A-25A. ISSN 0029-6651
Crandall, Jordan and Armitage, John (2005) Envisioning the homefront: militarization, tracking and security culture: Jordan Crandal in conversation with John Armitage. Journal of Visual Culture, 4 (1). pp. 17-38. ISSN 1470-4129
Croom, Susan and Procter, Susan (2005) The NewCan practice framework: using risk and resilience to work at the interface between professional expertise and parental knowledge and experience in child and adolescent mental health. Practice: Social Work in Action, 17 (2). pp. 113-126. ISSN 0950-3153
Crossland, David, Jackson, Sue, Burn, John, Lyall, Rosalind and O'Sullivan, John (2005) Employment and advice regarding careers for adults with congenital heart disease. Cardiology in the Young, 15 (4). pp. 391-395. ISSN 1047-9511
Crossland, David, Jackson, Sue, Hamilton, Leslie, Lyall, Rosalind, Hasan, Asif, Burn, John and O'Sullivan, John (2005) Patient attitudes to sternotomy and thoracotomy scars. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, 53 (2). pp. 93-95. ISSN 0171-6425
Crumey, Andrew (2005) Calculation Quest. Nature, 437. p. 1206. ISSN 0028-0836
Crumey, Andrew (2005) An Expedition to the Taiga. In: Magnetic North: New work from North East Writers. New Writing North, pp. 12-26. ISBN 978-0954145651
Cuamba, Boaventura Chongo, Chenene, Manuel, Mahumane, Gilberto, Quissico, D., Vasco, E., O'Keefe, Phil and Løvseth, Jørgen (2005) General characterisation of the solar radiation components in Mozambique. In: Proceedings of the Solar World Congress 2005. American Solar Energy Society, Boulder, pp. 1926-1937. ISBN 9781622762637
Dabbah, Mohammad A., Woo, Wai Lok and Dlay, Satnam (2005) Computation efficiency for core-based fingerprint recognition algorithm. WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 4 (12). pp. 1356-1363. ISSN 1109-2742
Dabrowska, Ewa (2005) Productivity and beyond: mastering the Polish genitive inflection. Journal of Child Language, 32. pp. 191-205. ISSN 0305-0009
Dabrowska, Ewa and Lieven, Elena (2005) Towards a lexically specific grammar of children’s question constructions. Cognitive Linguistics, 16 (3). pp. 437-474. ISSN 0936-5907
Dalton, Ruth (2005) Space syntax and spatial cognition. World Architecture: Space Syntax Monograph, 11 (185). 41 - 45. ISSN 2044-7507
Dalton, Ruth and Dalton, Nick (2005) An American prototopia: or Peachtree City as an inadvertent, sustainable solution to urban sprawl. In: 5th International Space Syntax Symposium, Delft, Holland.
Dalton, Ruth and Dalton, Nick (2005) A spatial signature of sprawl: or the proportion and distribution of linear networkcircuits. In: GeoComputation 2005, 31 July - 5 August 2005, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Dalton, Ruth and Kirsan, Ciler (2005) Graph isomorphism and genotypical houses. In: The Fifth International Space Syntax Symposium, 13 June 2005 - 17 June 2005, Delft.
Davies, Martin, Deary, Michael, Quill, Kieran and Smith, Robert (2005) Borate catalysed reactions of Hydrogen peroxide: kinetics and mechanism of the oxidation of organic sulfides by peroxoborates. Chemistry:A European Journal, 11 (12). pp. 3552-3558. ISSN 0947-6539
Davies, Pamela (2005) Women and crime for economic gain. Doctoral thesis, University of Northumbria.
Davy, Stephanie, Gilbert, T., Schofield, Damian and Evison, Martin (2005) Forensic facial reconstruction using computer modeling software. In: Computer-Graphic Facial Reconstruction. Elsevier, London, pp. 183-194. ISBN 9780124730519
Daws, Michael and Beacock, Peter (2005) Management into design education: a case study. In: A special meeting on designing value: new directions in architectural management.
De Angeli, Antonella, Coventry, Lynne, Johnson, Graham and Renaud, Karen (2005) Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Exploring the feasibility of graphical authentication systems. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 63 (1-2). pp. 128-152. ISSN 1071-5819
De Meere, Freek, Van der Graaf, Peter and Fortuin, Kees (2005) Branding: Wijkidentiteit als aangrijpingspunt voor stedelijke vernieuwing. Journal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice, 14 (2). pp. 31-38. ISSN 1876-8830
Dean, John (2005) Practical Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 1-184. ISBN 978-0470093481
Debuse, Dorothée, Chandler, Colin and Gibb, Catherine (2005) An exploration of German and British physiotherapists' views on the effects of hippotherapy and their measurement. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 21 (4). pp. 219-242. ISSN 0959-3985
Defeyter, Margaret Anne (Greta) (2005) Adult's and children's intuitions about artifact function. In: Cambridge University Seminar Series, 2005, Cambridge.
Dickenson, Robert and Ghassemlooy, Zabih (2005) Baseline wander and its effects on a wavelet-AI receiver for indoor infrared diffuse system employing OOK-RZ. In: 9th World Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 10 - 13 July 2005, Orlando, Florida.
Dickenson, Robert and Ghassemlooy, Zabih (2005) Wavelet-AI equalization and detection for indoor diffuse infrared wireless systems. International Journal of Communication Systems, 18 (3). pp. 247-266. ISSN 1074-5351
Dobbs, Lynn (2005) Wedded to the car : women, employment and the importance of private transport. Transport Policy, 12 (3). pp. 266-278. ISSN 0967-070X
Doherty-Sneddon, Gwyneth and Phelps, Fiona (2005) Gaze aversion: A response to cognitive or social difficulty? Memory and Cognition, 33 (4). pp. 727-733. ISSN 1532-5946
Donaghy, Michael and Stanforth, Stephen (2005) Possible neighbouring group participation of a nitro-group in the conversion of 3-hydroxymethyl-2-(2-nitrophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline into its 3-chloromethyl derivative. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 42 (6). pp. 1215-1218. ISSN 0022-152X
Dosch, Jörn and Hensengerth, Oliver (2005) Sub-Regional Cooperation in Southeast Asia: The Mekong Basin. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 4 (2). pp. 263-286. ISSN 1568-0584
Downes, Julia, Sutcliffe, Iain, Tanner, Anne C. R. and Wade, William (2005) Prevotella marshii sp. nov. and Prevotella baroniae sp. nov., isolated from the human oral cavity. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55 (4). pp. 1551-1555. ISSN 1466-5026
Downie, Mary-Lou (2005) Efficiency outcomes from space charging in UK higher education estates. Property Management, 23 (1). pp. 33-42. ISSN 0263-7472
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